
Engine config options

Key Option Possible Values Description
AsyncTaskPollingRate Async Task Polling Rate (in seconds) Integer How often (in seconds) Engine should query the status of an async task currently running
AsyncTaskZombieTaskLifeInMinutes Zombie tasks life-time (in minutes) Integer How long should a task be allowed to run before assuming it has become a zombie and should be killed. The value affects large storage manipulations especially. When using slow storage and large virtual images, or when a task is known to take longer than 3000 minutes (50 hours), the value should be increased
AuditLogAgingThreashold Audit Log Aging Threshold (in days) Integer How long should an audit log be kept before being rotated
AuditLogCleanupTime Time to check for Audit Log cleanup Time At what time should the Audit Log be checked for Aging and cleaned up.
AuthenticationMethod Authentication Method to be used by Engine String The API to be used for querying users. Currently LDAP is the only supported value.
BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage Host swap percentage threshold (for scheduling) Integer The maximum percentage of swap on the host that a VM run or migration is allowed on this host. If The host is swapping beyond this percentage a VM will not migrate over and will not be started.
CABaseDirectory CA Base Directory String Where the Certificate Authority is located on the Engine host
CertificateFileName Certificate File Name String Points to the certificate file used by Engine for SSL/TLS communication with VDSM
CertificateFingerPrint Certificate Finger Print   Automatically populated with Certificate Finger Print
CertificatePassword Certificate Password   Automatically populated with Certificate Password
CpuOverCommitDurationMinutes The duration in minutes of CPU consumption to activate selection algorithm String When the cluster policy is set to Even Distribution, wait for this amount of minutes after detecting CPU overcommit, before triggering VM migrations to rebalance the host load. Тhis configuration value applies only for the default, in case user did not specify it during the cluster setup. NOTE: The current description specifies Even Distribution, this value is needed also for Power Saving
DefaultWorkgroup Default Workgroup    
DisableFenceAtStartupInSec Disable Fence Operations At Engine Startup In Seconds Integer Allow this long after Engine start for hosts to become detected, before assuming the hosts are non-responsive and starting to fence hosts. Should be increased when Engine is on a machine that has slow network startup.
EnableSpiceRootCertificateValidation Enable Spice Root Certification Validation String If ’true’, the subject of the certificate of the Host on which the VM is running and the Engine setup CA certificate are sent to SPICE client when attempting to connect to the VM with SPICE, as an extra security mechanism
EnableUSBAsDefault Enable USB devices attachment to the VM by default String  
EnableVdsLoadBalancing Enables Host Load Balancing system String This config value allows the user to turn on/off (true/false accordingly) the VM load balancing according to the policy the user configured for the cluster.
FreeSpaceCriticalLowInGB Limit of percent free disk-space below which it is considered low Integer  
HighUtilizationForEvenlyDistribute High Utilization Limit For Evenly Distribute selection algorithm Integer Max. number of VMs per host in the Evenly Distribute algorithm
HighUtilizationForPowerSave High Utilization Limit For Power Save selection algorithm Integer A default for newly created clusters, in use with PowerSave load balancing algorithm, marks the higher limit of host utilization for populating hosts.
LocalAdminPassword Local Administrator Password Password The password for admin@internal default user
LogPhysicalMemoryThresholdInMB Threshold for logging low host memory in MB Integer How many MBs of RAM should be left before a host is considered low on memory. If host’s RAM is lower than this setting, it will be logged to the audit log, no action is taken.
LogXmlRpcData Log XML-RPC Data   Unused. Since the move to JBoss the way to handle it is via log4j.xml settings.
LowUtilizationForEvenlyDistribute Low Utilization Limit For Evenly Distribute selection algorithm Integer Min. number of VMs per host in the Evenly Distribute algorithm
LowUtilizationForPowerSave Low Utilization Limit For Power Save selection algorithm Integer A default for newly created clusters, in use with PowerSave load balancing algorithm, marks the lower limit of host utilization for populating hosts.
MacPoolRanges MAC Addresses Pool Ranges String The MAC address pool range to be automatically assigned to VMs
MaxBlockDiskSize Max size of newly created disk (in GB) Integer The maximum size (in GB) for a new virtual disk image assigned to VMs
MaxMacsCountInPool Maximum MAC Addresses count in Pool Integer How many MAC addresses are allowed at most in this mac-pool.
MaxNumberOfHostsInStoragePool Max number of hosts in Storage Pool Integer Limits the maximum amount of hosts assigned to the clusters of a single Data Center. Can be increased after testing with more hosts if required.
MaxNumOfCpuPerSocket Max Number of CPU per socket Integer Maximum number of virtual CPU cores that can be assigned to a single virtual CPU socket.
MaxNumOfVmCpus Total Numbers of Virtual Machine CPUs Integer Maximum total amount of CPU cores assigned to a VM (determined by Number of Cores multiplied by Number of Sockets)
MaxNumOfVmSockets Max Number of Socket per Virtual Machine Integer  
MaxRerunVmOnVdsCount Max Virtual Machine Rerun Attempts on a Host Integer Maximum number of times a VM is attempted to be started on a host, before an error - “unable to start VM”, is reported
MaxStorageVdsDelayCheckSec Max delay for check of domain in seconds Integer Maximum amount of seconds to wait for Storage Domain status to be returned, before reporting an error.
MaxStorageVdsTimeoutCheckSec Max timeout for last check of domain in seconds Integer When monitoring storage, VDSMD on the hosts reports a “lastCheck” value for each domain. This setting is used to decide whether the last check happened too long ago and domain is considered in error.
MaxVdsMemOverCommit Max Host Memory Over-Commit (%) for Virtual Desktops load Integer When using Virtual Desktop loads, by how many percent should Engine allow memory overcommit to occur.
MaxVdsMemOverCommitForServers Max Host Memory Over-Commit (%) for Virtual Servers load Integer When using Virtual Server loads, by how many percent should Engine allow memory overcommit to occur
MaxVdsNameLength Max VDS name length Integer Maximum name length for a Hypervisor host
MaxVmNameLengthNonWindows Max VM name length for non-Windows OS Integer Maximum name length for a non-Windows VM
MaxVmNameLengthWindows Max VM name length in Windows Integer Maximum name length for Windows VMs (limitation imposed by Windows hostnames)
MaxVmsInPool Max VMs In Pool Integer Maximum number of VMs in a single Data Center.
NumberOfFailedRunsOnVds Number of Failed Runs on Host Integer Number of attempts to run VMs on Host before setting its status to Error
NumberOfVmsForTopSizeVms Number of VMs with highest disk size to display Integer How many VMs to display in the Storage Domain, Virtual Machine sub-tab. Will display this amount of VMs, sorted by the most storage spaced used per VM.
NumberVmRefreshesBeforeSave Number of Virtual Machine Data Refreshes Before Saving to Database Integer The number of Host monitor iterations between refreshing VMs from VDSM (determines if VMs should be refreshed once upon each iteration)
oVirtISOsRepositoryPath The Engine installation files path String The location of hosts ISO images, that are used for upgrading hosts
ProductKey2003 Product Key (for Windows 2003) String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductKey2003x64 Product Key (for Windows 2003 x64) String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductKey2008 Product Key (for Windows 2008) String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductKey2008R2 Product Key (for Windows 2008 R2) String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductKey2008x64 Product Key (for Windows 2008 x64) String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductKey Product Key for Windows XP String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductKeyWindows7 Product Key (for Windows 7) String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductKeyWindows764 Product Key (for Windows 7 x64) String Windows Serial key to be used with sysprepped VMs created from a Template
ProductRPMVersion Engine RPM Version String The RPM version of the currently used engine package
RDPLoginWithFQN RDP Login String Connect to RDP console with Fully Qualified User-Name (user@domain)
SANWipeAfterDelete Initializing disk image is more secure but it is time consuming and I/O intensive (depends on the size of the image) String Represents the default value (checked/unchecked) of the “wipe after delete” check-box in the “New Virtual Disk” dialog in case the newly-created Disk belongs to a SAN (FC/iSCSI) Data-Center (i.e. about to be created on a SAN storage domain).
SearchResultsLimit Max Quantity of Search Results Integer The number of results to return for search queries if no specific figure given by UI / REST.
ServerRebootTimeout Host Reboot Timeout (in seconds) Integer Wait this amount of seconds when a host is rebooted or fenced, before determining that the host is Non-Responsive. May be increased for hosts that take longer to boot.
SpiceReleaseCursorKeys Spice Release Cursor String Keyboard keys combination that causes the mouse cursor to be released from its grab on SPICE.
SpiceSecureChannels SPICE Secure Channels String Which SPICE channels should be secured with SSL. Valid values are one or more of: smain,sinputs,scursor,splayback,srecord,sdisplay
SpiceToggleFullScreenKeys Spice Toggle Full Screen Keys String Keyboard keys combination that toggles the full-screen state of SPICE client window
SpiceUsbAutoShare Enable USB devices sharing by default in SPICE String Represents the default value (checked/unchecked) of the “Enable USB Auto-Share” check-box in the (SPICE) Console Options dialog in the user portal.
SpmCommandFailOverRetries Number of retries to failover the Storage Pool Manager on failed commands Integer Number of SPM selection failover retries. In case an SPM command fails, backend performs a failover - selects a new SPM and re-runs the command.
SPMFailOverAttempts Number of attempts to connect to the Storage Pool Manager before Failover Integer When monitoring a Storage Pool, if the current SPM fails, failover does not happen immediately (see description of SpmCommandFailOverRetries), instead this setting defines the amount of retries before deciding that the current SPM is down and a failover is required.
SpmVCpuConsumption The CPU consumption of SPM embodied as number of VCPUs on the Host Integer When a host is SPM it is considered to be using this amount of extra virtual CPUs, to make up for the overhead SPM operations generate
SSHInactivityTimoutSeconds SSH Inactivity Timeout (in seconds) Integer The maximum amount of time backend allows for an SSH session to remote hosts. After this timeout the session will be killed.
SSLEnabled SSL Enabled String Whether or not the SPICE Secure Channels should be SSL encrypted.
StorageDomainFalureTimeoutInMinutes Storage Domain failure timeout Integer Defines the amount of time taken before deciding domain is problematic, starting at the first failure reported by VDSM (in minutes)
StoragePoolRefreshTimeInSeconds Storage Pool Manager Polling Rate (in seconds) Integer Storage Pool monitoring frequency.
SysPrep2K3Path Path to a Windows 2003 machine Sys-Prep file String Path to the OS specific sysprep file template
SysPrep2K8Path Path to a Windows 2008 machine Sys-Prep file String Path to the OS specific sysprep file template
SysPrep2K8R2Path Path to a Windows 2008 R2 machine Sys-Prep file String Path to the OS specific sysprep file template
SysPrep2K8x64Path Path to a Windows 2008 x64 machine Sys-Prep file String Path to the OS specific sysprep file template
SysPrepWindows7Path Path to a Windows 7 machine Sys-Prep file String Path to the OS specific sysprep file template
SysPrepWindows7x64Path Path to a Windows 7 x64 machine Sys-Prep file String Path to the OS specific sysprep file template
SysPrepXPPath Path to a Windows XP machine Sys-Prep file String Path to the OS specific sysprep file template
TimeoutToResetVdsInSeconds Communication timeout in seconds before trying to reset Integer How long should a host be Non-Responsive, before a fence command is issued. Used in conjunction with VDSAttemptsToResetCount
TimeToReduceFailedRunOnVdsInMinutes Time to Reduce Failed Run on Host (in minutes) Integer The amount of time that the host will be in Error status after failing to run VMs.
UserDefinedVMProperties User defined VM properties String Mostly used with VDSM hooks
UserRefreshRate Refresh Rate of Users Data from Active Directory (in seconds) Integer How often should the Directory Server be polled for user account updates
UtilizationThresholdInPercent The Utilization Threshold (in percent) Integer In load balancing, this is a default value, used to calculate the max CPU limit to determine if host is over utilized or not. This is the percent of the value that the user set in
ValidNumOfMonitors Valid Numbers of Monitors Integer What number of monitors are available for SPICE-enabled VMs
VdcBootStrapUrl Host Installation Bootstrap Script URL String The URL for the location of the host installation bootstrap scripts, used for adding Hypervisor hosts.
VdcVersion Engine version    
VDSAttemptsToResetCount Number of attempts to communicate with Host before trying to reset Integer How many times to retry communications with a host, before a fence command is issued. Used in conjunction with TimeoutToResetVdsInSeconds
VdsLoadBalancingeIntervalInMinutes Host Load Balancing Interval (in minutes) Integer The interval between running the VMs load balancer in minutes (Also defines the first invocation of the Load Balancer)
VdsRecoveryTimeoutInMintues Host Timeout when Recovering (in minutes) Integer When VDSM fails/restarts, it sometimes can be in recovering mode (VDSM reports “initializing” or “recovering from crash”) This is the timeout for this state, and after this timeout the host will move to non-operational.
VdsRefreshRate Time interval in seconds to poll a Host status Integer How often Hypervisor hosts status is checked
vdsTimeout Host Control Communication Timeout (in seconds) Integer Timeout for a VDSM call - the time Engine will wait for sync call to VDSM.
VirtualMachineDomainName Virtual Machine Domain Name (Deprecated)    
VmGracefulShutdownMessage Message displayed in Virtual Machine when Virtual Machine is being shutdown from Engine String  
VMMinMemorySizeInMB Minimal memory size of virtual machine in MB Integer  
VncKeyboardLayout Keyboard Layout configuration for VNC String ar, da, de-ch, en-us, et, fo, fr-be, fr-ch, hu, it, lt, mk, nl, no, pt, ru, sv, tr, de, en-gb, es, fi, fr, fr-ca, hr, is, ja, lv, nl-be, pl, pt-br, sl, th
WaitForVdsInitInSec Wait to a Host to complete init in SPM selection Integer This is a timeout for initializing host as in VdsRecoveryTimeoutInMintues, but this timeout is shorter, and it is used during the SPM selection algorithm, in case selected host is initialized we wait for it to recover.
FenceQuietTimeBetweenOperationsInSec Quiet time between Power Management operations in seconds Integer The minimal time in seconds between two Power Management operations activated manually by a user.
MaxAuditLogMessageLength Maximum length of an Audit Log message Integer  
SysPrepDefaultUser Default SysPrep user name String This user is used if the domain for sysprep is unknown, or no domain specified.
SysPrepDefaultPassword Default SysPrep user password Password This password is used if the domain for sysprep is unknown, or no domain specified.
UserSessionTimeOutInterval Session timeout interval in minutes Integer User session timeout. Global for all types of access - User portal/Admin portal/Webadmin/API.
AdminPassword user password Admin user password Password Password of admin user (will be used if no directory service is used for authentication)(WARNING since oVirt 3.6 please use this)