Sonar with oVirt
Where is Sonar
A public Sonar instance is here:
oVirt Engine is monitored there at:
Running sonar on oVirt
Sonar is a very nice code analisys webapp. It does static code analysys with checkstyle, findbugs, pmd, cpd (and a number of other plugins) and test coverage report.
Sonar usually does not need any special configuration, you only have to run ‘mvn sonar:sonar’ and it just works.
Special problems in oVirt
- first, some of the gwt modules just does not compile the usual way. I have just removed these modules from the analisys.
- another project where the compilation fails is ovirt-checkstyle-extension, again, removed from check
- probably because of the huge code size, tests need a huge maxpermsize. Also forkMode=always is needed to ensure that each test gets a new JVM. This makes it slow, but otherwise it won’t work.
- oVirt upstream and downstream has the same groupid, artifactid and version, sonar can’t tolerate this. It will just overwrite the project. (so does maven)
- sometimes the dependencies break inside and no one notices. It is best to remove ovirt from the local repository before building.
A build script
. $HOME/.bashrc
#remove the wrong artifacts from the local maven repo
#in order to check if dependencies are not broken
rm ~/.m2/repository/org/ovirt -rf
cd ~$HOME/ovirt-engine
git pull
#install everything again
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true;
#and then run the checks
mvn clean compile sonar:sonar -P enable-dao-tests -e -Dsonar.skippedModules=sharedgwt-deployment,gwt-extension,ovirt-checkstyle-extension -DargLine="-Xmx3g -XX:MaxPermSize=2048M" -DtestFailureIgnore=true -DforkMode=always #-Dtest=*