2013 Events

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oVirt Workshop at NetApp

Sunnyvale, California, US

Tuesday 22 January 2013Thursday 24 January 2013

oVirt workshops focus on introducing the project, the technologiesinside of the sub-projects, and holding technical breakouts for learningand hacking. oVirt Workshops are a community effort and are held at bothindustry events and the campuses of oVirt board member companies. Formore information on this free event, including registration details,please visit the event page on the oVirt web site athttps://web.archive.org/web/20130126013457/http://www.ovirt.org/NetApp_Workshop_January_2013.

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Canberra, Australia

Monday 28 January 2013Friday 1 February 2013

Jeff Darcy and Dan Macpherson will both be presenting at the Cloud,Storage and High Availability Miniconf. Jeff will be speaking onGlusterFS and Dan will discuss Aeolous and oVirt. Katie Miller will bepresenting at the Open Programming and Haecksen Miniconfs. At the OpenProgramming event Katie will be discussing everyday applications offunctional programming principles and at Haecksen she will speak abouther experiences using open source tools such as OpenShift to teach girlsabout FOSS. Full details are available athttps://web.archive.org/web/20121207120436/http://www.linux.conf.au/programme/schedule.

For more details on linux.conf.au, visit the conference website athttps://lca2013.linux.org.au/.

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Brussels, Belgium

Saturday 2 February 2013Sunday 3 February 2013

The Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting (FOSDEM)is a two-day event organized by volunteers to promote the widespread useof Free and Open Source software. For more information on FOSDEM, visitthe conference website.

QEMU USB status report 2012

Hans de Goede

Sat 2 Feb 2013 11:00am11:30am CET

This talk gives an overview on the state of the QEMU USB subsystem. Whathappened last year? What are the plans for the future? Where do we standin terms of USB 3.0 support?

The intended audience are people who are interested in USB in virtualmachines (vusb) both developers and users. The audience is expected tobe familiar with generic virtualization concepts, but no deep technicalknowledge is required.

Speaker self introduction: Hans has been a Linux developer since 1996,working on a wide variety of projects, including maintaining 200packages in Fedora, various hwmon kernel drivers, rewriting and mergingmany out of tree webcam drivers into the mainline kernel, libv4l auserspace library to transparently handle the decompression of manyproprietary webcam video formats in userspace.

Since 2008 Hans works for Red Hat, besides continuing all the FOSS workhe did before, at Red Hat he has worked on anaconda the Fedora / Red Hatinstaller, parted (the partition tool) and currently works on Spice andUSB-redirection under QEMU.



Related projects:


Using Personas to Target Users

Dave Neary

Sat 2 Feb 2013 12:15pm12:40pm CET

Personas were made famous by Alan Moore in “The Inmates are Running theAsylum”, a seminal book on user interface design for computerprogrammers. They have been used for decades in the marketing industryto help target specific market segments with ads and products. Personashelp you frame feature discussions while developing your software, guideyour communication and conference strategy, and ultimately help you tohave a more popular, better project.

This presentation will cover the basics of:

  • What is a persona?
  • How do I come up with one (or several) for my project?
  • What can I do with them?

(R)evolution of Java Packaging in GNU/Linux

Mikołaj Izdebski and Stanislav Ochotnický

Sat 2 Feb 2013 12:30pm 1:00pm CET

Java packaging in Linux has never been trivial. Partially due to strictprinciples that most Linux distributions adhere to, partially due toJava ecosystem encouraging behavior which goes against these principles,but mostly due to ineffective tooling on both sides of the fence.

Over past 2 years, tooling and guidelines for packaging Java havechanged in Fedora Linux considerably. What used to be a 1000 line buildscript can soon become 100 lines of mostly metadata. But all of thatrelies on sane build system with predictable behavior on Java side:Maven.

During the course of the talk we will clean up one such build script anddescribe how each change was made possible. Most importantly we hope toconvince the audience that for common good, using Maven for Javadevelopment even with all its quirks is better than the alternatives. Awider discussion on Java build systems would also be welcome.

oVirt Live Storage Migration -- Under The Hood

Federico Simoncelli

Sat 2 Feb 2013 1:30pm 2:00pm CET

Live storage migration, one of the newest features introduced in oVirt,is the capability of moving virtual disks from one storage device toanother without interrupting the guest operations. This presentationwill cover in detail the entire low level design and implementation andall the technical challenges associated with them. In a virtualizationworld where the guest services cannot be stopped for maintenance, livestorage migration is the best tool you can have.

Porting OpenJDK to AArch64

Andrew Haley and Andrew Dinn

Sat 2 Feb 2013 2:00pm 2:40pm CET

ARM’s new, 64 bit ARMv8 architecture, is a break from the past in tworegards. The change of scale from 32 to 64 bit implies a broadening ofARM’s target market from (mostly) embedded devices to address therequirements of high end consumer devices and servers. The 64 bit mode(AArch64) programming model is significantly different from the existing32 bit model.

If ARM’s change of direction does indeed grab a significant share ofthis market then there are two corresponding implications for the FreeJava community. We need a high quality free Java implementation toensure that the market is not colonised solely by commercial Javavendors. We need to provide this implementation from scratch rather thantry to modify existing 32 bit Java implementations.

Red Hat has decided to port OpenJDK to AArch64 precisely to meet theseimplications head on.

This talk will describe the significant progress we have made in portingOpenJDK to AArch64 since the project began in earnest in July 2012, eventhough real hardware is not yet available and will not be for manymonths to come.

During the talk we will:

Outline our plan for converting the runtime JIT components of OpenJDK togenerate AArch64 code – the (generated AArch64 code) templateinterpreter and the C1/C2 JIT compilers

Explain how we have already managed to execute and debug generated ARMcode using our own ARMv8 functional simulator integrated into an x86 JVM

Display execution of a Java program using the template interpreterrunning on our simulator

Show both ARM instruction-level and Java bytecode-level stepping anddebugging of generated code within gdb

LNST - Automated and Portable Network Tests

Radek Pazdera

Sat 2 Feb 2013 2:20pm 3:00pm CET

In this presentation, we would like to introduce a tool we have beenworking on for the last couple of months. Our main goal is to makenetworking tests and reproducers as automated and portable as possible.

Testing network stacks requires a fair amount of configuration to bedone on multiple machines. The configuration itself is a part of thetest. However, it is often highly dependent on the environment andunfortunately, when the environment changes (due to move to a differenthardware/site, changes in the addressing, or simply updates of theoperating system) the configuration often breaks.

With LNST, we try to overcome these problems of transferring networkconfiguration between different environments. We will demonstrate theideas and the concepts we are working with, as well as the features thatare a part of Linux Network Stack Test.

Project website:https://fedorahosted.org/lnst/

MoM as host level enforcement agent

Doron Fediuck

Sat 2 Feb 2013 2:30pm 3:00pm CET

Maintaining QoS in cloud computing requires host-level monitoring andpolicy enforcement. In order to be able to scale up large setups, ahost-level agent is needed to supervise and dynamically handle the VMsresource consumption based on the SLA policy.

In this session we’ll look at MoM, and get in-depth view of itsintegration with VDSM and functionalities. Participants will be able toget insights on memory overcommitment in hypervisors and the way memoryballoon device is being used to achieve overcommitment.

oVirt introduction

Doron Fediuck

Sat 2 Feb 2013 3:30pm 4:00pm CET

This session will provide an intro to the oVirt project components andfeatures. The oVirt Project is an open virtualization project providinga feature-rich server and desktop virtualization management platformwith advanced capabilities for hosts and guests, including highavailability, live migration, storage management, system scheduler, andmore. oVirt provides an integration point for several open sourcevirtualization technologies, including KVM, libvirt, spice and oVirtnode. oVirt was launched in November 2011 as a fully open sourceproject, based on assets from Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Managerplatform. The project has an open governance model, and initial boardhas members from IBM, Cisco, NetApp, Red Hat and SUSE.

Return of the Shark

Roman Kennke

Sat 2 Feb 2013 3:40pm 4:10pm CET

Since mid-2011 (when Gary Benson, the original author of Zero/Shark)left Red Hat’s Java team), the Zero interpreter and Shark compiler havebeen basically unmaintained. A few months ago I picked up the projectand fixed the outstanding issues (related to changes in Hotspot andLLVM) and started implementing a couple of significant improvements.

This talk will give a short summary about what Zero and Shark actuallyare, how they work, why they are relevant (even in the face of upcomingfull ports for PowerPC and others), how it fits in the OpenJDKecosystem, and then describe some of the more interesting details aboutwhat I did, in particular improved support for atomic operations, JSR292/invokedynamic, interesting optimizations in both the compiler andthe interpreter and more. Hopefully I will be able to present someinteresting ports to other platforms like ARM or PowerPC, somebenchmarks results as well as results from testsuites (TCK?). Finally,I’ll give an outlook to the future, things that need to be done, openimprovements, optimizations, etc.

Community Management in Meatspace: Techniques for Discussion & Achieving Consensus

Leslie Hawthorn (with Lydia Pintscher, KDE & Wikimedia)

Sat 2 Feb 2013 3:55pm 4:20pm CET

Headed to your annual developer conference and there’s a contentioustopic on everyone’s mind? Wondering how to get past the airing ofgrievances into a useful discussion?

In this talk, Lydia Pintscher and Leslie Hawthorn will explorefacilitation techniques to use during community wide discussions.Drawing on the principles of open spacetechnology theywill explore several methods for achieving consensus while still havingfun, including:

  • Spectragrams
  • Dot-o-cracy
  • Post-It
  • Mind mapping
  • more

The talk will be accompanied by live demos of each technique. Audienceparticipation will be requested but not required. Participants who wishto learn more about the topics to be discussed in advance of thepresentation may wish to visit the Aspiration Technologywiki for more details.

For more information, including speaker bios, visit the conferencewebsite.

oVirt and GlusterFS integration

Doron Fediuck

Sat 2 Feb 2013 4:00pm 4:30pm CET

GlusterFS is a distributed file system that can scale to severalpetabytes. oVirt is a management platform for Kernel based VirtualMachine (KVM) and can be used to manage GlusterFS as well.

This talk will focus on GlusterFS integration with oVirt. GlusterFS andKVM virtualization users and developers will be able to get moreinformation on GlusterFS concepts, enabling it in oVirt forvirtualization, a short overview of oVirt and VDSM architectureincluding VDSM storage concepts. This will be followed by GlusterFS as aVDSM Storage Domain, as well as GlusterFS domain support in oVirtengine.

Florian Weimer

Sat 2 Feb 2013 4:00pm 4:50pm CET

This presentation examines current challenges in Open Source securityand sketches ideas to address them.

Linux distributions deal with a large number of code bases predominantlywritten by others, some of them huge. This makes it difficult to addressvulnerabilities in a consistent fashion. There is increasing demand fordifficult-to-use technology, such as cryptography, and more and moreupstream projects are forced to deal with vulnerabilities in their code.

How to build an Identity Management System on Linux

Simo Sorce

Sat 2 Feb 2013 5:00pm 5:50pm CET

How do you build a comprehensive and coherent Identity Management Systemon Linux? This is the question I started answering 7 years ago when Ijoined Red Hat, and is still being worked on today. In this talk I willpresent a broad overview of all the aspects of Identity Management thatneed to be considered to have a full end-to-end solution, for the servercomponents (Kerberos, LDAP, DNS, Management components, etc..) that aremanaged under the umbrella of the FreeIPA project to the clientcomponents (SSSD and utilities) and all the other hidden parts (likeGSS-Proxy, Samba libraries) that are normally not easily visible butthat become needed once you get down to playing with the bits. The talkwill go down into the technical details and the whys and hows of thewhole architecture.

Supporting and Using EC2/CIMI on top of Cloud Environments

Oved Ourfali

Sat 2 Feb 2013 5:30pm 6:00pm CET

In this presentation I’ll describe some standard and common cloud APIssuch as EC2 and CIMI, and show how one can use Deltacloud in order tosupport them on top of cloud environments. As an example, I’ll show howto add this support and use it on top of the oVirt engine.

OpenJDK Governing Board Q&A

Andrew Haley (with Mark Reinhold, Georges Saab and Doug Lea)

Sat 2 Feb 2013 6:25pm 7:00pm CET

An open Q&A session with members of the OpenJDK Governing Board.

Using Foreman from the oVirt-engine Administrator UI

Oved Ourfali

Sat 2 Feb 2013 6:30pm 7:00pm CET

In this presentation I’ll show how one can use the new oVirt-EngineUI-Plugin infrastructure, to add a Foreman-UI-plugin, that allowsquerying Foreman information on oVirt entities, and preform differentForeman-related operations on them.

OpenStack: 21st Century App Architecture and Cloud Operations

Mark McLoughlin

Sun 3 Feb 2013 10:00am10:25am CET

The advent of IaaS has brought about a new style of applicationarchitecture built around the idea that the components of yourarchitecture should be fine-grained programmable resources. This allowsapplications to be resilient and scalable, but also allows the operationof the application to be fully automated.

Mark will discuss how OpenStack was designed from the ground up withthese same principles in mind and can be deployed in a highly resilientand fault tolerant manner. Mark will go on to explain how you should aimto build on OpenStack’s architecture so that operating an OpenStackcloud is as automated as operating a modern cloud based application.

Invokedynamic: Tales from the Trenches

Charles Nutter

Sun 3 Feb 2013 10:00am10:40am CET

A tale of sadness and a tale of joy: the tale of invokedynamic use inJRuby and a few other projects since the first prototypes dropped in

  1. I started experimenting with invokedynamic in JRuby in version1.1.5, early in the JSR-292 process, and kept up with changes as theyarrived. Today, JRuby utilizes invokedynamic for several aspects of theRuby language, and we’re finding more ways to use it every day. I’lltalk about where we’ve been and where we’re going…what works and whatdoesn’t…and how to understand everything happening under the covers.

Managing Your Metal Flexibly

Greg Sutcliffe

Sun 3 Feb 2013 11:00am11:35am CET

The Foreman is adding a Metal-as-a-Service feature in the near future.In this lightning talk, we’ll show the current status of the work, anddiscuss where it’s heading to eventually.

systemd, Two Years Later

Lennart Poettering

Sun 3 Feb 2013 12:00pm12:50pm CET

The systemd project is now two years old (almost three). It foundadoption as the core of many big community and commercial Linuxdistributions. It’s time to look back what we achieved, what we didn’tachieve, how we dealt with the various controversies, and what’s to comenext.

Apache Deltacloud API v1.0

Michal Fojtik

Sun 3 Feb 2013 12:00pm12:25pm CET

Deltacloud API prevents you from cloud vendor lock-in and cloud APIchanges. With Deltacloud you can speak up to 18 different cloudproviders using one single API. Deltacloud now officially support theCIMI API as a new industry standard for cloud computing and alsonon-officially Amazon EC2 query API.

Thermostat: The road from 0.1 to 1.0, a success story (in progress)

Mario Torre and Roman Kennke

Sun 3 Feb 2013 12:30pm 1:00pm CET

Last year, we shared with the Free Java and the global OSS community ourvision for a new open source monitoring and instrumentation tool foranyone running an open Java stack, along with our fledgelingimplementation. Since then, we’ve been hard at work making this vision areality. Our project has undergone various transformations, includingbecoming modular not just in terms of deployment but also from a sourcecode perspective with the help of OSGi, a complete overhaul of the APIfor extending Thermostat, and an amazing visual makeover – attendeesfrom last year may have trouble recognizing it on sight. Along the waywe’ve also added new, compelling features such as detailed threadmonitoring, heap dump and analysis, an Eclipse plugin interface, andmore functionality available from the command line. Of course, we alsohad a lot of fun doing it.

In our talk, we will describe the current state of Thermostat, give ademo of what you can do out of the box, and build a toy plugin on thespot so that attendees can see how easy it is to add custominstrumentation.

Build and deploy your app on your own cloud with OpenShift Origin

Xavier Coulon

Sun 3 Feb 2013 12:30pm12:55pm CET

So, you have a crazy new idea you’d like to try but you need anapplication server to run it? Of course, you also need to store yourdata in MySQL, PostgreSQL… or maybe even in MongoDB? Are you alsolooking for Continuous Integration?

In this session, you’ll see how OpenShift Origin, Red Hat’s open sourcePaaS lets you easily deploy your Java, Node.js, PHP, Ruby or Pythonapplications on your own infrastructure. You’ll also see how itintegrates with JBoss Tools to seamlessly code and then publish withoutleaving your Eclipse IDE.

Well-typed UNO

Stephan Bergmann

Sun 3 Feb 2013 1:00pm 1:40pm CET

In the LibreOffice component architecture, with UNO service informationchanged from active to passive, XML-based representation a while ago,UNO type information is the remaining topic that needs some love,clean-up, and improvement. From a curiously verbose UNOIDL syntax, tothe awkward binary .rdb format, to the fact that type information isduplicated in different formats for binary UNO and Java UNO, all the wayto the still unsolved great challenge of becoming incompatiblecompatibly, etc. etc. – you get the idea.

Image management in a federated cloud environment

Martyn Taylor

Sun 3 Feb 2013 1:30pm 1:55pm CET

In a world where Cloud IaaS providers are popping up on every streetcorner, it becomes increasingly important to prevent vendor lock-in.Several efforts are already underway in projects like Deltacloud to helpabstract away the differences in APIs and allow consumers to be cloudagnostic.

However, the desire for cloud agnosticism becomes increasinglychallenging when we start thinking about managing images. Not only do wehave API differences, but also many cloud vendors require differingformats and importation methods, some requiring uploading of pre-builtimages, others snapshots of running instances.

This talk addresses some of the issues surrounding image management in afederated cloud environment and introduces Aeolus Image Factory; aproject that offers image management abstraction for multitude of Cloudvendors. Aeolus Image Factory allows users to define images at a highlevel and have them built, pushed and registered with all the majorcloud vendors.

Language tags — or, what is BCP 47 and why would we want it

Eike Rathke

Sun 3 Feb 2013 2:20pm 3:00pm CET

During the development cycle of LibreOffice 4.0 I changed much code inpreparation to understand BCP 47 language tags. Some critical areasweren’t changed yet for 4.0 and work is ongoing for 4.1. In this talkI’ll give some overview what I did and why I’m undergoing this effort.

Speaker short bio athttps://fosdem.org/2013/schedule/speaker/eike_rathke/

Orchestrating complex deployments on OpenStack using Heat

Tomas Sedovic

Sun 3 Feb 2013 3:30pm 3:55pm CET

Deploying complex systems on OpenStack can be a challenge.

A small website running MediaWiki can happily fit on a single server,but the same software running at the Wikipedia scale is much moredemanding. You need to deal with multiple database servers, web servers,load balancers, failover, networking configuration, IP addressassignment and more.

The Heat project allows you to describe all the resources and theirrelationships in a single template, launch everything with one commandand keep it up. You can easily combine the workflow with existingconfiguration management tools such as Puppet or Chef.

Initially modeled after Amazon CloudFormation, Heat is a free and opensource component for OpenStack and has recently been accepted intoOpenStack incubation.

This session will provide an overview of Heat’s capabilities and how touse them, followed by a live demonstration. At the end you willunderstand Heat well enough to decide whether it is useful in yourenvironment and how to get started with it.

Wine BoF on msitools

Paolo Bonzini & Marc-André Lureau

Sun 3 Feb 2013 4:00pm 5:00pm CET

Many GNU/Linux distributions include a cross-compilation environment forWindows that is easy to install and use. Some of these also provide theNullsoft installer (NSIS) to package build artifacts into a Windowsexecutable. NSIS has the advantage that the compiler is portable toPOSIX systems, but does not support corporate deployment and componentmanagement as well as .msi packages generated for the Windows Installer.libmsi is a port of Wine’s MSI database code. The talk will present therationale for the library, its current state and msitools, a small setof programs that we implemented around it. We will also present plansfor future development of libmsi and msitools, and its inclusion inFedora-MinGW project.

Measuring OpenStack: the Ceilometer Project

Eoghan Glynn

Sun 3 Feb 2013 4:30pm 4:55pm CET

Ceilometer is an OpenStack incubated project which started in April 2012with the goal to provide a unique interface point to provide measurementin OpenStack. Our purpose for measurement started with a focus onmetering (for billing) and has since been extended to other targets suchas monitoring and alerting. This project is a collaboration of a widevariety of actors.

After a brief introduction of the project past and future, this talkwill introduce the audience to the project’s architecture before digginginto how and why they can contribute to its future.

Introducing GNOME Photos

Debarshi Ray

Sun 3 Feb 2013 4:40pm 5:00pm CET

Photos is an application to access, organize and share your photos withGNOME 3. After Documents it is the latest among the new breed of Finding& Reminding applications. Like other core GNOME applications, it targetsa new GNOME 3 style: cloud integration, fresh UI elements and touchenablement.

This talk will outline the use cases and principles, how it relates toexisting third party applications, and the use of Tracker as a metadatastore.

The Keeper of Secrets

Leslie Hawthorn

Sun 3 Feb 2013 5:00pm 5:50pm CET

Whilst the mantra of free and open source software communities focus ontransparency and collaboration, community leaders will often find thatthe most significant conversations are those they have 1/1 and “behindclosed doors.” As a community leader, one is called upon to be bothtrusted confidant and change agent, and being effective in both rolessimultaneously can be a quite difficult – and deeply humorous – dance.Join Leslie Hawthorn as she explores the nuances of public and privatediscourse in FOSS projects, using real world examples from herexperience interacting with more than 200 communities over the past sixyears.

For more information on this presentation, including speaker bio, visitthe conferencewebsite.

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OpenStack Rhône-Alpes meet-up #1

Grenoble, France

Monday 15 April 2013

For more information, check out the website athttp://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Rhone-Alpes/events/123634732/.

Faire cohabiter la virtualization traditionnel et IaaS avec oVirt et OpenStack

Dave Neary

Mon 15 Apr 2013 9:50am 9:50am PDT

How can you mix traditional virtualization infrastructure and a privatehosted IaaS solution? oVirt and OpenStack can work very well together toaddress your traditional virtualization needs, and to facilitate yourmigration of workloads to the cloud.

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Red Hat Summit

Boston, MA

Tuesday 11 June 2013Friday 14 June 2013

For more information, check out the website athttp://redhat.com/summit/.

Community Catalysts: The Value of Open Source Community Development

Dave Neary

Wed 12 Jun 2013 3:40pm 4:40pm EDT

Red Hat products are built on open source software. Unlike proprieterysoftware, open source software provides the freedom to use, modify, andredistribute the code, giving customers an opportunity to engage in theproduct development process and preview future Red Hat products.

In this session, Dave Neary will discuss community projects that Red Hathas sponsored and participated in, including oVirt, OpenStack, JBossApplication Server, LibreOffice, GNOME, and Fedora. Attendees will:

  • Discover the benefits of using community-developed software andengaging with upstream communities
  • Learn about how French services company AlterWay built a public cloudoffering on oVirt
  • Preview upcoming Red Hat product features
  • Learn about how to influence the development of future features byworking directly with the developers
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LinuxCon North America

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Monday 16 September 2013Wednesday 18 September 2013

LinuxCon is the Linux Foundation’s North American Linux conference,covering all topics Linux-related.

Numerous Red Hat employees will be speaking and attending.

For more details on LinuxCon NA, visit the conference website athttps://web.archive.org/web/20130916190122/http://events.linuxfoundation.org:80/events/linuxcon-north-america.

Everything I Know About the Cloud, I Learned From Game of Thrones

Joe Brockmeier

Wed 18 Sep 2013 12:00am12:00am EDT

George R. R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, and the HBOtelevision series, makes for great entertainment — if a little bloodyand short on happy endings. Though the “Game of Thrones” charactersinhabit a universe that hasn’t even seen gunpowder yet, a lot of thelessons learned in GoT also apply to building, deploying, andmaintaining an IaaS cloud. This talk will take a humorous approach, butalso give attendees some crucial insights into moving from traditionalIT to cloud computing.

It Was Never About Innovation

John Mark Walker

Sun 15 Sep 2013 8:35pm 8:35pm EDT

Cloud computing as an industry phenomenon is built almost entirely onopen source pieces, but ironically (or perhaps, perversely) is used tocreate proprietary services. This talk shows how the four softwarefreedoms achieved a more level playing field for software users anddevelopers and provided a solid foundation on which innovationflourished. Innovation was an interesting by-product, not somethingpursued. Unfortunately, the four software freedoms are not enough tocompel open cloud services. The lessons learned from open source shouldbe used to achieve a level playing field in cloud computing.

OpenStack Performance & Scale

Mark Wagner

Sun 15 Sep 2013 9:35pm 9:35pm EDT

Review performance and scale testing of OpenStack by the Red HatPerformance team. This will include management platform performance andindividual node performance. Also discuss the tools, methodologies, andstrategies used in the testing. Using test data from the PerformanceLab, Mark will demonstrate tunings that improve performance and showwhere these tunings will be applied to improve out-of-the-boxperformance. He will also reveal tips and tricks for achieving higherdensity.

Resource Management with Systemd

Lennart Poettering

Mon 16 Sep 2013 1:10am 1:10am EDT

Resource management is highly relevant on both large servers (where manyresources need to be distributed among an even higher number ofconsumers to get the maximum out of the invested infrastructure) and onsmall embedded devices (where few resources need to be distributed amongmany consumers). Newer systemd versions support resource managementout-of-the-box, as first-class functionality of service management. Inthis talk we will show you how to make use of it. We will tell you howto dynamically assign resource limits to running services and virtualmachines and how to reliably determine the current resource usage ofyour services and virtual machines. We will introduce you to newconcepts such as “Slices” which you can use to create arbitrary resourcepartition hierarchies. And we will give you a bit of background on whatactually happens on the lower level.

Using OpenStack Heat Autoscaling

Steven Dake

Mon 16 Sep 2013 2:10am 2:10am EDT

OpenStack Heat provides autoscaling functionality for dynamicallygrowing and shrinking compute power to meet the needs of a scale-out webapplication. In this speaking session, a brief introduction to Heat isprovided, an autoscaling implementation lifecycle is recommended, andsome brief thoughts on future OpenStack Heat autoscaling direction areexplained.

Per-CPU Facilities in the Linux Kernel

Tejun Heo

Mon 16 Sep 2013 2:10am 2:10am EDT

With even small devices having multi-core processors and NUMAconfiguration being the norm in the server space, reducing cross-CPUtraffic is one of the major optimization points, and per-cpu datastructures are very effective and well-established way to achieve it.The Linux kernel has extensive per-cpu facilities which are stillevolving. This presentation looks briefly at the evolution of per-cpufacilities in the kernel and goes through several examples of per-cpuconstructs and their usages.

Tom Callaway

Mon 16 Sep 2013 3:10am 3:10am EDT

Fedora has a commitment to Free Software at its core, but the universeis not so simple. Backed by Red Hat, Fedora presents a significanttarget for legal threats and has to be ever vigilant to minimize riskwhile still providing the latest and greatest in functionality. In thistalk, I will discuss some of the framework that Fedora has establishedto navigate the legal minefields present in our industry, including:

  • Copyright Licensing
  • Software Patents
  • Trademarks
  • Contributor License Agreements (CLAs)

Enterprise Identity Management with Open Source Tools

Mon 16 Sep 2013 3:10am 3:10am EDT

The talk will cover the FreeIPA and partially SSSD projects introducingFreeIPA as the first fully functional open source centralizedauthentication and identity management solution comparable to ActiveDirectory in its capabilities but focusing primarily on the identitymanagement needs of the Linux and UNIX client systems.

Private Could SLA

Greg Padgett

Mon 16 Sep 2013 9:45pm 9:45pm EDT

Maintaining QoS in cloud computing requires host-level monitoring andpolicy enforcement. In order to be able to scale up large setups, ahost-level agent is needed to supervise and dynamically handle the VMsresource consumption based on the SLA policy. In this session we’ll takeoVirt as an example of private cloud with a need for SLA. We’ll lookinto SLA challenges of the cloud, and then at MoM as a host-levelenforcement agent. As an agent we’ll review MoM’s integration with VDSMand policies. Participants will be able to get insights cloud SLAchallenges, ans some resolutions such as memory overcommitment inhypervisors.

Build Your Own PaaS, Just Like Red Hat's OpenShift

Diane Mueller

Tue 17 Sep 2013 1:10am 1:10am EDT

It’s finally here! OpenShift is built on open source and here’s yourchance to learn how to take the code and projects that power OpenShiftto build your own PaaS. Come check out this session with Grant Shipleyfrom the OpenShift team to learn where to download, how to install, andhow to configure and deploy onto your local machine(s). We’ll cover thefundamentals of how to deploy apps onto your PaaS to make it dosomething useful for you. We’ll cover ways to extend your PaaS by addingsupport for customized middleware, databases, frameworks and languages.

Raspberry Pi: Getting Started and Creative Applications

Ruth Suehle

Tue 17 Sep 2013 2:10am 2:10am EDT

The Raspberry Pi was designed as an inexpensive device to teach kidsPython. It’s become a device of choice for hardware tinkerers andhackers of all sorts of experience levels to integrate a fullyfunctional Linux computer into their projects. I’ll give you someinspiration with a few project ideas. Then I’ll start with the basic,most important Pi tricks, like making sure you have the right SD cardand that you’ve chosen the best distro for the job you intend to do upthrough some more challenging problems, like what happens when you needto build a cross-compiler or a custom kernel. Not that those things arecrucial to having fun with a Pi, and whether you’re new to the board oralready used it to power your home automation system, you’ll learn a fewnew ideas in this session.

Storage Management: Pulling Together Management Across the Cloud and Bare Metal

Ric Wheeler

Tue 17 Sep 2013 3:10am 3:10am EDT

Managing storage resources in Linux has traditionally been the realm ofstorage teams with deep expertise in the magic of external and internalRAID arrays and external filers. Technologies like hyper-scale,openstack and virtualization make it harder than ever to provision,manage during run time and repair storage. This talk will give adetailed overview of several upstream projects that are working onproviding all of these environments, as well as traditional bare metalservers, an easy to use way to set up, run and debug storage and filesystems. Status updates on the component projects and their roadmapswill also be shared.

Linux Kernel Developer Panel

Ric Wheeler, Greg Kroah-Hartman

Tue 17 Sep 2013 7:35pm 7:35pm EDT

A roundtable discussion on the Linux Kernel.

Clouds, Virtualization and SDN Panel

Chris Wright

Tue 17 Sep 2013 8:50pm 8:50pm EDT

We take this opportunity at the CloudOpen Event to bring togethernetworking experts from OpenStack and CloudStack to discuss their mostpressing problems in virtual networking with some of the leaders of theOpenDaylight SDN Controlller project. OpenDaylight should become a keyfoundational component of modern Cloud deploymemnts bringing much neededflexibility, features, and performance to both virtual networks, and thephysical networks on which they reside. Bring your questions andsuggestions on how OpenDaylight should evolve to best serve cloudenvironments in service providers and enterprises alike.

How Platform-as-a-Serivice Benefits More Than Developers

Gordon Haff

Wed 18 Sep 2013 12:00am12:00am EDT

PaaS has rightly been celebrated as a way to increase developerproductivity and thereby help companies get the new applications andservices they need online (and making money) faster. But PaaS goesbeyond developers and beyond dev/test. Efficient applicationmulti-tenancy and auto-scaling are also key features for productionenvironments. Furthermore, PaaS also means that platform changes canhappen without affecting developers, a big win for architects andprocurement officers. In short, PaaS is for everyone. This session willhelp attendees understand how the PaaS landscape is evolving to providesolutions with appeal across many facets of the IT organization andbeyond. It will touch on key technical enablers that are making thispossible but will focus predominantly on how organizations are usingPaaS today and the benefits that they are seeing by doing so.

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Open World forum


Thursday 3 October 2013Saturday 5 October 2013

The first free and open source european forum.

For more information check out the website athttp://www.openworldforum.org/en/

Building an open hybrid cloud with open source

Hervé Lemaitre

Thu 3 Oct 2013 4:15pm 4:15pm UTC

Hervé Lemaitre explains how Red Hat builds on the power of open sourcecommunities like OpenStack, oVirt and Gluster to deliver an open hybridcloud to its customers.

Orchestration on OpenStack

Steven Hardy

Fri 4 Oct 2013 9:45am 9:45am UTC

Orchestration on OpenStack.

Introduction aux Software Collections

Remi Collet

Fri 4 Oct 2013 9:45am 9:45am UTC

Les Softwares Collections sont une nouvelle méthode de fournir despaquets RPM de différentes versions sans altérer le système de base,pouvant s’installer en parallèle. Cette nouvelle offre devrait favoriserl’adoption des versions récentes des langages.

  • présentation des SCL
  • contenu d’une collection
  • exemple avec LAMP (Apache 2.4, php 5.5, MySQL 5.5 sur RHEL-6)
  • RHSCL : support officiel par Red Hat pour sa distribution entreprise.

Open Hybrid Cloud - Virt, IaaS, PaaS - oh, my!

Dave Neary

Fri 4 Oct 2013 10:50am10:50am UTC

Dave Neary has been active in free and open source communities for over15 years as a developer, event organiser, community manager, trainer andconsultant.

He is part of Red Hat’s Open Source and Standards team, driving adoptionand community growth for projects including oVirt, RDO, a distributionof OpenStack for Red Hat based operating systems, Gluster and Fedora.

Restitution partielle des Etats Généraux de l'Open Source

Michel Isnard

Fri 4 Oct 2013 4:40pm 4:40pm UTC

Restitution partielle des Etats Généraux de l’Open Source.

Open Source Parenting

Dave Neary

Sat 5 Oct 2013 3:30pm 3:30pm UTC

Dave Neary will present during this workshop how and why passing on thehacker/maker culture to our kids - leaving tools around and teachingthem how to use them responsibly, home improvement projects, giving themresponsibility and power over their living space (within limits!), arts& crafts we do , and a significant piece on getting started withelectronics and coding literacy.

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LinuxCon Europe

Edinburgh, UK

Monday 21 October 2013Wednesday 23 October 2013

LinuxCon is the Linux Foundation’s European Linux conference, coveringall topics Linux-related.

For more details on LinuxCon EU, visit the conference website athttps://web.archive.org/web/20130907101558/http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe

RAM Snapshots in oVirt

Arik Hadas

Mon 21 Oct 2013 12:00pm12:00pm IST

The oVirt Project is an open virtualization project providing afeature-rich server and desktop virtualization management platform,based on the powerful Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor.Live Snapshots is considered to be one of the most powerful features inoVirt, making it possible to take a snapshot for a VM while the VM isrunning. oVirt 3.3 introduces a major enhancement to oVirt LiveSnapshots: now they can contain the state of the memory of the VM inaddition to the state of its disks. The presentation includesinteresting technical aspects of the feature, and explain how it can beused: * Brief overview of oVirt architecture * Overview of oVirtSnapshots & Live Snapshots * Deep dive into the technical process ofcreating and restoring Live Snapshots with Memory * Guidance how tomake simple and advanced snapshots related operations via UI & REST API

oVirt and Cloud-init Integration

Omer Frenkel

Mon 21 Oct 2013 1:00pm 1:00pm IST

The oVirt Project is an open virtualization project providing afeature-rich server and desktop virtualization management platform, andCloud-Init is multi-distribution package that handles earlyinitialization of a cloud instance. Recently those were integratedtogether to allow users and administrators easily apply automatedconfiguration and initialization on vms using oVirt. In this session,Omer will give short introduction to these projects and describe thework that has been done integrating them, including some technicalexplanation. In addition, Omer will describe how to use Cloud-Init withoVirt and will give use-case examples, and discuss what else need to bedone.

Architectural Changes in NetworkManager

Pavel Šimerda

Mon 21 Oct 2013 1:00pm 1:00pm IST

People have benefited from using NetworkManager on laptops and otheruser-facing systems for years, long before I joined the project. But thelast year of development primarily focused on server and virtualizationuse cases, whose requirements are entirely different. Pavel Šimerda willspeak about the vast architectural changes NetworkManager is undergoingto support all of the currently considered use cases. We will also talkabout the actual features that can (and often will) be backed by thearchitecture. While some of them require modification of NetworkManagercode, many can be done with the scripting capabilities or NetworkManagerAPI/CLI. Interoperability with specific other software like unbound anddnssec-trigger will be discussed as well.

Empowering Data Center Virtualization Using KVM

Livnat Peer

Mon 21 Oct 2013 3:20pm 3:20pm IST

Have you ever wondered how KVM is used in a full blown Data Centervirtualization solution? oVirt is an open virtualization project whichenables the management of multi-host, multi-tenant virtual data centers,including high availability, VM and storage live migration, storage andnetwork management, system scheduler and more. oVirt provides anintegration point for several open source virtualization technologies,including kvm, libvirt, spice, oVirt node and numerous OpenStackcomponents such as Neutron and Glance. The session will provide anintroduction to the oVirt project and shed light on how a data centeradministrator’s actions in a web UI are translated into KVM commandsrunning on the hypervisors.

Converged Infrastructure with Open Source

Theron Conrey

Mon 21 Oct 2013 5:40pm 5:40pm IST

Converged infrastructure is an idea for virtualization infrastructurethat is enabling organizations to deploy more rapidly on a singlecommodity hardware platform for both compute and storage infrastructure.Until recently this was something that was difficult to do with OpenSource software. This presentation provides an overview of what aconverged infrastructure solution looks like and then digs into the OpenSource software that can be used to build successful convergedsolutions. With Gluster and oVirt as foundational software packages thepresentation will dig into advanced scenarios for deploying virtualmachines as well as adding additional nodes for both storage andcompute. OpenStack networking, image management, and object store willbe tied in as well to demonstrate the advantages of using Open Source tosolve your organization’s virtualization challenges.

Thinking Beyond RDBMS: Building Polyglot Persistence Java Applications

Shekhar Gulati

Mon 21 Oct 2013 5:40pm 5:40pm IST

Time has come to start thinking about multiple data storage solutionswhile building applications. A single application can use multiple datastorage technologies depending on its use case – right tool for rightjob. The session will start by introducing polyglot persistence to theaudience. Next we will cover the pros and cons of Polyglot persistence.Then we will see how to build location aware Job search applicationusing MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, and Solr. The different data storagesolutions are used to persist different types of data like MongoDB tostore Job data along with its location, PostgreSQL to store User data,Redis as a cache for User objects and other goodies, and Solr as a fulltext search engine. Finally, the application will be deployed toOpenShift – open source Platform as a Service.

Controlling Clouds: Beyond Safety

Gordon Haff

Tue 22 Oct 2013 12:10pm12:10pm IST

As an industry, we’ve mostly moved on from naive notions about cloudcomputing being inherently “safe” or “risky.” However, moresophisticated discussions require both greater nuance and greater rigor.This presentation takes attendees through frameworks for evaluating andmitigating potential issues in hybrid cloud environments, discusses keyrisk factors to consider, and describes some of the relevant standardsand provider certifications. This is a broad and sometimes complextopic. However, it’s very manageable if individual risk factors areconsidered systematically and specifically. This session will give ITprofessionals tools and knowledge to help them make informed decisions.

Notes on Taking KVM-on-KVM Nested Virtualization for a Spin

Kashyap Chamarthy

Tue 22 Oct 2013 12:10pm12:10pm IST

Nested Virtualzation involves three levels – The physical host (L0),running a guest hypervisor (L1), and its associated ‘nested’ guest (L2).This is useful in several ways: a cloud user can get a guest hypervisorand can manage a variety of guests for development/test without theintervention of the cloud provider; enable live migration ofhypervisors; ability to have an entire virtualization setup - ahypervisor and all its guests in a single virtual machine. Support fornVMX (Intel based Nested Virtualization) was first introduced around twoyears ago in KVM. Since then, there have been improvements in theKernel, and also in the hardware space. This session discussesobservations from recent testing of some workloads with upstream KVMwith newest Intel hardware in a Linux-on-Linux environment. Finally, aglimpse of upcoming improvements in this space.

GlusterFS Architect & Roadmap

Vijay Bellur

Tue 22 Oct 2013 12:10pm12:10pm IST

GlusterFS is a general purpose distributed scale-out filesystem thatruns on commodity hardware. In this presentation, Vijay Bellur willprovide an architectural overview of GlusterFS and discuss how thisarchitecture can be used to build a scale-out storage solution formodern datacenter needs. Details on new features , use cases andinteresting challenges with GlusterFS will be provided. As part of thissession, Vijay will also discuss integration of GlusterFS with otheropen source ecosystems like OpenStack, Apache Hadoop, oVirt and providefuture directions of the GlusterFS project.

Linux and New Storage Challenges: Adapting to Faster and Larger Storage

Rich Wheeler

Tue 22 Oct 2013 12:10pm12:10pm IST

Linux is usually the first target for vendors with the most cutting edgetypes of storage and file system technologies. The community was thefirst to bring parallel NFS into production quality and has been at thebleeding edge of dealing with very high speed, low latency storagedevices like PCI-e SSDs. This talk gives an overview of two newtechnologies at the opposite ends of the speed and capacity spectrum:DRAM class persistent memory and very dense “shingled” drives. The talkgives an overview of what the technologies are, what the ongoing work isin upstream and some of the choices we have in supporting these newdevices. Finally, the talk will give an overview of how these newtechnologies are likely to be deployed both in traditional, enterpriseservers and in the hardware that underpins modern cloud systems.

Raspberry Pi: Getting Started and Creative Applications

Ruth Suehle

Tue 22 Oct 2013 1:10pm 1:10pm IST

The Raspberry Pi was designed as an inexpensive device to teach kidsPython. It’s become a device of choice for hardware tinkerers andhackers of all sorts of experience levels to integrate a fullyfunctional Linux computer into their projects. I’ll give you someinspiration with a few project ideas. Then I’ll start with the basic,most important Pi tricks, like making sure you have the right SD cardand that you’ve chosen the best distro for the job you intend to do upthrough some more challenging problems, like what happens when you needto build a cross-compiler or a custom kernel. Not that those things arecrucial to having fun with a Pi, and whether you’re new to the board oralready used it to power your home automation system, you’ll learn a fewnew ideas in this session.

Systemd-Nspawn is Chroot on Steroids

Lennart Poettering

Tue 22 Oct 2013 4:50pm 4:50pm IST

systemd-nspawn is a simple container manager for Linux systems that isshipped as built-in component of systemd. systemd-nspawn is as easy touse as chroots, but suitable for booting up full-blown Linux systems.It’s great as light-weight container tool that just works.systemd-nspawn makes working with containers easy. In this presentationI will introduce you to systemd-nspawn, and show how you can set up abootable Linux container in a one command, and then boot it up in asecond one – and all that with built-in tools of your favourite(systemd-based) distribution. You might learn a thing or two about Linuxcontainers in general, and the technology they build on. We’ll discusshow we are working on integrating container support as closely into thecore OS as possible, trying to provide similar integration as Zones onSolaris.

Scripting And Integration with the oVirt Engine

Oved Ourfali

Wed 23 Oct 2013 12:05pm12:05pm IST

In this session i’ll provide different types of users with the tools tointegrate with the oVirt virtualization management environment. I’lldescribe the different APIs relevant for each user type, including theREST API, the different SDKs and the CLI, providing a lot of usefulexamples, and how-tos. I’ll also describe how can one use Deltacloud’sdifferent APIs in order to do various operations on the oVirt engine,using ““cloudy”” interfaces such as CIMI and EC2 API.

A Language for Enhancing File System Tests

Andrew Price

Wed 23 Oct 2013 1:05pm 1:05pm IST

Effectively expressing the nature of file system corruption is animportant part in file systems development, testing and bug fixing. Inthis presentation, Andy Price will introduce a language which can beused to specify focused changes to on-disk structures in gfs2 filesystems, in order to create human-readable fault-injection tests, andoutline possible further developments and uses.

Recent Developments in GFS2

Steven Whitehouse

Wed 23 Oct 2013 1:05pm 1:05pm IST

The GFS2 cluster filesystem has been under development for a number ofyears, however there has been no uptodate presentation covering all ofthe latest features since OLS 2007. The intent of this talk is toprovide an overview of the current feature set, noting recentsignificant developments, as well as an introduction into the majoralgorithms of GFS2 for those less familiar with its capabilities. Duringthe development process, many lessons were learned which would applyequally to any open source project, and these will be discussed too.

It was Never About Innovation

John Mark Walker

Wed 23 Oct 2013 3:30pm 3:30pm IST

Cloud computing as an industry phenomenon is built almost entirely onopen source pieces, but ironically (or perhaps, perversely) is used tocreate proprietary services. This talk shows how the four softwarefreedoms achieved a more level playing field for software users anddevelopers and provided a solid foundation on which innovationflourished. Innovation was an interesting by-product, not somethingpursued. Unfortunately, the four software freedoms are not enough tocompel open cloud services. The lessons learned from open source shouldbe used to achieve a level playing field in cloud computing.

Make Your Mobile Web App Go Hybrid with Apache Cordova

Shekhar Gulati

Wed 23 Oct 2013 5:50pm 5:50pm IST

Should you learn a new skill set to develop mobile applications? Or canyou use your existing skillset and convert your HTML5 + REST mobile webapp to hybrid app? Learning a new skill set can be very frustrating andtime consuming. In this session Shekhar Gulati, Principal OpenShiftEvangelist, will walk through the steps you will need to convert anexisting HTML5 + RESTful Web application to a Hybrid app using ApacheCordova. Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobileapplications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The Restful backend of theapplication will be running on OpenShift – Red Hat’s open source publicPlatform as a Service.