2015 Events
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FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event organisedby the community for the community. The goal is toprovide open source software developers and communitiesa place to meet to:
For more details on FOSDEM, see the event website athttps://fosdem.org/2015/
Speaker: Lukas Berk
Performance Co-Pilot is a highly adaptable and established toolkit forthose interested in examining the details of system performance.Similarly, Systemtap is a powerful tool for digging deep into theinnards of a program. This presentation will go over the basics of thetools, recent developments, and examples.
Speaker: Arik Hadas
Suppose you want to import virtual machines you already have into oVirtto enjoy a features-rich open sourced management system. You will soonfigure out that the conversion of virtual machines running on differenthypervisors or managed by different management systems into oVirt is notan easy task. The next major version of oVirt is going to introduce anintegrated process that will simplify import of virtual machines notbeing managed by oVirt into oVirt. This session gives a heads up for thefeature: we will go over the design and see how it solves issues that wehad before to provide better way for import virtual machines to oVirt.
Speaker: Niels de Vos
GlusterFS is a distributed scale-out filesystem that runs on commodityhardware. In this session, Niels de Vos will provide an architecturaloverview of GlusterFS and discuss how its file, object & blockinterfaces can be used to build a scale-out storage solution for IaaSneeds. Details on new features , use cases and interesting challengeswith GlusterFS will be provided. As part of this session, Niels willalso discuss integration of GlusterFS with other open source ecosystemslike OpenStack, oVirt and provide future directions of the GlusterFSproject.
Speaker: Federico Simoncelli
This session will cover in detail the ongoing effort of integrating theoVirt virtualization and Gluster storage resources in single commodityboxes that can scale horizontally. The presentation will include thedescription of the technical challenges encountered, the status of theongoing effort and the roadmap for the possible future improvements.
Speaker: Loic Dachary, Sage Weil
The Ceph storage system is used by many IaaS software. It providesself-healing distributed storage in many forms (block device, filesystem and object store).
An overview of the most recent Ceph features will be followed by usecases about how current IaaS stacks could leverage them.
Speaker: Roy Golan
The oVirt project allows efficient management of virtualizeddatacenters. Deciding what machine should host a certain VM is one ofthe important functions of the management platform. Unfortunately it isalso one of the complex ones, because there can be many rules governingthe placement policy and there is a time limit in which a VM has to bestarted or migration initiated. Till now each VM was consideredseparately and that caused fragmentation of free resources.
We are about to present a new solution to this issue in thispresentation. We have started a cooperation with the OptaPlanner teamthat develops an optimization engine based on probabilistic (softcomputing) algorithms. This means that oVirt will feed situation updatesto an optimization service and continuously receive improved solutionsback. It will then use the precomputed results for rebalancing theclusters.
Speaker: John Mark Walker
What is cloud management and why do you need it? This talk explains thesecurity and productivity ramifications of a hybrid cloudinfrastructure, and how you can wrangle its various components. Youneed: comprehensive security, finance/chargeback, automation andorchestration. Here’s how to control all of the things.
Speaker: Flavio Percoco
We’ve been talking about Infrastructure providers for quite a bitalready. OpenStack itself started as such an IaaS and then it quicklybecame a cloud provider. But what does that mean? What is a cloudprovider suppose to provide? What’s cloud after all?
Scaling a distributed system goes beyond virtualization, shared storageetc. In order to support on-demand scaling it is necessary to have aneasy way to provision and consume the available infrastructure, a wayfor the services running in it to communicate, etc. Not to mentionlatency needs, reliability, etc.
This talk aims to answer the above questions and take a step furtherdown the path of explaining what should be considered essential fornowadays needs, especially when those needs require a cloud
to becovered.
Speaker: Hans de Goede
What is the current status of Allwinner support in upstream u-boot andthe kernel, which SoCs are supported, and which features (sound, video,etc.) are supported ?
Speaker: Daniel Lobato
The Foreman project and its community is varied, big, and it can takevery long to understand what is really going on. Luckily, a group ofpeople is actually working full-time on making it a better project.Contributors often scratch their own itches, and move on.
This talk is meant to give you an overview about areas of Foreman thatbadly need help, refactoring, and some of the efforts the Foremancommunity is doing to mitigate technical debt and keep on improving. Inshort, we want to highlight our flaws so you can target your efforts tothe right place.
Speaker: Lukas Berk
Software development rarely has “spare” time, which often forcesdevelopers to stick to the tools they already know. Having any sort oflearning curve can be a barrier to entry for debugging and performancetools, even when the payoffs are worth the time invested learning newtools. The Linux Tools Project aims to improve the state of C/C++development on the Eclipse IDE by integrating popular tools, such asValgrind. This integration allows developers to maintain an environmentthey’re familiar with, yet leverage new development tools.
This talk is aimed at people of varying experience with the Valgrindtool who have never used it within the Eclipse IDE.
Speaker: Mark Wielaard
If you always wanted to hack on Valgrind, but haven’t yet really lookedat the code yet, then this talk is for you. We’ll go over the basics ofwriting a new Valgrind tool. How to add a missing syscall. Show where tostart when adding a new x86/amd64 instruction and translating it to VEXIR. After attending this talk, you should be all set to attend thehackaton in the Valgrind devroom at the end of the day.
Speaker: Gustavo Fernandes
Key/Value stores rely on a simple data model represented by a map, whereeach key appears once. Using such a structure does not necessarily meangiving up on query expressiveness and capability. This talk willdemonstrate what Infinispan can do to empower your analytics needs, fromdirectly running Lucene Queries in a cluster to Hadoop Map Reduce andSpark.
Speaker: Jiří Pírko
Imagine buying off the shelf switch hardware, install Fedora (or anyother distribution) and configure it using standard linux tools. This isnot possible at the moment primarily because of lack of unified andconsistent platforms and driver interfaces. We are working to changethat.
The current state of support for switch chips in Linux is not good. Eachvendor provides userspace binary sdk blob that only works with theirchips. Each of this blobs has proprietary APIs. To get switch chipsproperly supported there’s need to introduce a new infrastructuredirectly into Linux kernel and to work with vendors to adopt it.
This talk presents the current effort to unify and uphold the Linuxnetworking model across the spectrum of devices which is necessary tomake Linux the cornerstone of industrial grade networking. The scope ofthis talk covers state of art with current implementation of standardcommodity switches such as top of rack switches, small home gatewaydevice as well as SR-IOV NIC embedded switches.
A device model and driver infrastructure will be presented foraccelerating the Linux bridge, Linux router, accelerated host virtualswitches and flow level offloads when supported by the hardwareunderneath.
Speaker: Tom Gundersen
A brief introduction to networkd and an update on recent features
Speaker: Thomas Haller
Give a status update on NetworkManager and talk about the current 1.0release
NetworkManager 1.0 will be released by the time of FOSDEM15.
Talk shortly the major changes from the last year. Show highlights of1.0 and discuss future plans.
Speaker: Michael Stahl
C++ has evolved quite a bit over the years, and the new C++11 standardfinally has usable implementations on all relevant platforms. We aim togive an overview of the current status of C++11 adoption in theLibreOffice project.
Speaker: Mario Torre, Severin Gehwolf
Debugging performance problems can be a daunting task, especially whenyou are short on time and lack proper tools that integrate nicely withyour custom application landscape. Thermostat was designed to answer themost interesting questions related to performance measurement andapplication monitoring. It takes advantage of performance metrics andserviceability features of OpenJDK to provide a holistic view of thesystem. In this session, attendees will get a chance to see Thermostatin action as it is used to analyse programs, gather data, and debugissues affecting performance and functionality.
Speaker: Mario Torre, Roman Kennke
Caciocavallo has been one of the very first external projects to land inthe OpenJDK repository and sponsored by the OpenJDK Porters Group. Namedafter a delicious cheese we’re never tired of eating, it had theoriginal purpose of refactoring the AWT peers to allow differentimplementations to be added to OpenJDK. The project evolved very quicklyuntil it became itself a full implementation of AWT based on Swing withjust enough abstraction to allow custom plugging into the Java2D systemfor rendering. As time passed, this characteristic was used to implementa GUI testing framework running on offscreen buffers to avoid the usualproblems of focus stealing and random mouse moving that plague everyother GUI testing framework (here everything is emulated!), and finallya full Web based backend to allow application to run remotely but stillbe visible on the local screen. This talk will cover the progress wehave done over the years, we will show how easy is to implement a newbackend and how this project could be used to give Wayland support toOpenJDK. We will show the testing framework and finally we will discussabout WebJDK, an idea to give more web oriented functionality to OpenJDKand use the web backend to enable fully cloud based applications.
Speaker: Andrew Haley, Roman Kennke, Andrew Dinn, Christine H Flood
What really happens to your Java code along the way to becoming machinecode?
Red Hat has been developing an almost pauseless GC for OpenJDK whichrequires adding read barriers to every object access. We’ve alsodeveloped ARM64 versions of both the server and the client compilers.This has given us quite a bit of experience with the internals of thevarious methods of generating machine code inside the JVM. This talkwill start with a brief tour of the various levels of code generationavailable and then open up the floor for questions from our panel.
Speaker: Petr Chalupa
The concurrent-ruby is a gem which provides a variety of concurrencyabstractions at high and low levels. It is an unopinionated toolboxallowing users to pick the right tool for a given concurrent problem.The gem has Agents, Actors, STM and many more.
The talk will cover: - Overview of the available tools. - Examples ofsome abstractions. - Java and C specific implementations.
Speaker: Charles Nutter
JRuby 9000 represents the biggest-ever leap forward for JRuby. Not onlyhave we caught up on compatibility (9000 will be 2.2-compatible fromrelease), but we’ve completely redesigned our JVM-based runtime and haveopened our codebase up to the JRuby+Truffle research project from OracleLabs. The changes we’ve made will make it easier to keep up with MRI oncompatibility and give us the potential to run Ruby as fast as Java orC. The entire Ruby world will change over the next year, and JRuby 9000will be leading the way. We’ll talk about what Ruby’s going to look likeonce JRuby is “over 9000”.
Speaker: Eyal Edri
Use a hook framework, written in python to create rules to validate andautomate tasks in your git/gerrit environment.
Speaker: Eyal Edri
Maintaining a devop environment isn’t easy, this talk will explain howto use fabric to automate a lot of tasks you’re doing and some youhavn’t thought of even.
Speaker: Vincent Batts
Docker containers are generating excitement because of relatable andrecognizable use cases and unique facilitation of solutions. One exampleof this is easy distribution of the container environment. Docker doesthis with a particular design of images.
Speaker: Federico Simoncelli
This session will present the current status of integration betweenoVirt, Docker containers and Kubernetes. It will cover the motivations,some of the low level details and ideas for the future. The second partof the presentation will be dedicated to possible future work withinoVirt, ideas for the new concept of multi-purpose data-center and anoverview of other projects related to Docker and IaaS.
Deploying an Application (Old-Fashion and Docker)
Speaker: Daniel Lobato
Deploying containers, images with Docker is becoming a big trend.However, large installations of containerized applications are still fewand far between, and solutions are either proprietary or they force youto use their own cloud.
We believe Foreman can fill this space by providing a central space toprovision and manage your containers and your network, as we already dowith your data center. This provides a great framework for mixedenvironments where physical machines, vms, and containers are all usedin conjunction. Orchestration through Kubernetes is being implemented atthe moment.
Monitoring, deploying, and everything else is possible to do through theweb UI or an API, and it’s open source, so if you miss any feature, feelfree to add it!
Speaker: Stefan Hajnoczi
KVM is the most popular hypervisor deployed with OpenStack and is alsooften used with libvirt in non-cloud scenarios. With multiple layers ofsoftware between the user and the virtual machine, how does onetroubleshoot failures and performance issues?
This presentation covers tools and techniques for observing virtualmachines with the KVM hypervisor. It gives you a mental model of KVM’sarchitecture so you’ll know how to get to the bottom of questions aboutvirtual machine behavior and performance.
Areas covered include guest CPU activity, RAM, disk I/O, networktraffic, and the QEMU monitor. Examples are based on real-life scenariosoften encountered by KVM users.
Speaker: Doron Fediuck
For several years now, the oVirt project is leveraging KVM and relevanttechnologies (ksm, etc) in data center virtualizations. Being a matureand feature reach, oVirt takes another step forward with introducingNUMA architecture support which will allow better utilization ofhypervisors in advanced virtual data centres. Different NUMAimplementations and insights on use cases will allow participants togain more knowledge on how to optimize their existing hypervisors in thevirt world.
Speaker: Honza Horak
Learn how to provide bleeding edge features on stable platform usingSoftware Collections that allow you to enjoy different versions of apackage or whole application stack on one machine, separately for everyprocess and without influencing the rest of the system. The SoftwareCollections technology is more open than ever before and developed incooperation with CentOS now. Learn how to use it in practice, whatprojects use them already and what are the recent changes in theconcept.
Speaker: Lennart Poettering
systemd is now a core component of most major distributions. In thistalk I want to give an overview over everything new in the systemdproject over the last year, and what to expect over the next year.
Speaker: Stephen Gallagher, Matthew Miller
Fedora 21 marked the first phase of the Fedora.next Initiative, anumbrella concept for a reimagining of how Fedora will operate in itssecond decade. This talk will focus on the switch to a Product-basedmodel, the reasons behind it and the challenges (both technical andsocial) that we faced in shipping Fedora 21.
The session will be broken into approximately 25-30 minutes of lecturelightly covering a variety of topics including release-engineering, newfeature development and socialization of ideas.
After the talk, the session will be opened up to a Q&A session with theaudience.
Speaker: Haïkel Guémar
This talk will describe the state of OpenStack packaging on Fedora &CentOS through the project RDO.
Openstack is a big player in the FOSS IaaS field, yet, it’s still achallenge to package it and integrate it into major GNU/Linux Distros.Here, we’ll see how it is packaged and maintained in Fedora/CentOS andwhat are the plans in the near future.
Speaker: Fabian Arrotin
CentOS Project exists now for more than 10 years now, and some peopleare wondering how the CentOS.org Infra is managed. We’ll explain all thetools we use to maintain that infra, but also the constraints we havedue to the fact that our infra is spread around the world oncommunity/donated machines, without SLA and disappearing withoutnotification. We’d like to also not only present how we run the infra,from a community perspective, but a real discussion with otherdistributions (round-table discussion ? ) about those common issues, andhow to solve those
Speaker: Kaleb Keithley, Lalatendu Mohanty
GlusterFS is a scale out storage solution which has wide range of usescases.
GlusterFS is one of the founding members of Storage SIG. We have beenable to successfully bootstrap GlusterFS in the Storage SIG. RelevantRPMs have been build for the SIG using the new CentOS build system.During the last couple of months of bootstrapping GlusterFS in thestorage SIG we have faced some technical challenges which will beapplicable to other SIGs (current and Future). During this talk we willshare our experiences and discuss the technical challenges GlusterFSfaced, how we solved it and the thought process around it. In this talkwe will also talk about how Storage SIG is trying to give best upstreamexperience to community/users.
Speaker: Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos
For the development of openconnect VPN server a decision tocompartmentalize the server was taken, in order to protect any sensitivevalues exchanged, ranging from the user transferred data, to the dataused during the authentication process. This talk will summarize theissues faced during that development that relate to software isolation.That would cover issues with protecting the server’s keys via TLS, theclient-side authentication of TLS, and PAM authentication, and how theywere solved.
Speaker: Severin Gehwolf
OpenJDK comes with a zero assembler port called Zero. Back in 2009 whenZero was originally developed by Gary Benson, OpenJDK was available onlyon x86, x86_64 and SPARK. Despite recent JIT ports, such as the AArch64and ppc/aix port, Zero still remains relevant for many Linuxdistributions. For example, at Red Hat we build and use the OpenJDK zerovariant on PPC/PPC64 and s390/s390x. What’s more it’s a useful tool forgetting new JIT ports built from source using free software.
This talk will give a brief summary what Zero is and how it works. Itwill cover some of the recently discovered issues with sustaining theZero port, how we try to catch them early and it will explain ourexperience with pushing fixes upstream. There will also be examples howthis effort benefits the OpenJDK ecosystem as a whole.
Speaker: Andrew Haley
We’ve been working on OpenJDK for a long time now and we’ve gained a lotof experience working on the code itself and, perhaps more importantly,working with the Java team inside Oracle. This talk is about ourexperiences trying make one of the largest ever external contributionsto OpenJDK, the AArch64 port.
I’ll talk about how the OpenJDK contribution process works, and how itdoesn’t work, and how important it is to gain the trust of people insideOracle’s Java team. I’ll discuss the strange asymmetry of being anexternal contributor to a project but not being able to know all of whatis going on. I’ll try my best to explain the baffling role of Projectsand JEPs. I’ll speculate about the future of OpenJDK and how it mustchange as more people outside Oracle contribute significant slabs ofcode, and how we must have more external patch reviewers.
Finally, I’ll open up the floor for discussion. I’m sure we’ll have alot to talk about.
Speaker: Charles Nutter
As one of the earliest adopters of Method Handles, I’ve had to buildmany of my own tools. InvokeBinder is one of them, providing a literal(or fluent) API for Method Handles that allows site-forward adaptation,name-based argument list manipulation, and many bonuses usually toocomplicated to write by hand. I’d like to demonstrate its features andenlist others to help me improve it.
Speaker: Roman Kennke, Christine H Flood
Garbage Collection pauses make it hard for Java applications to meetquality of service guarantees. No matter how fast your applicationprocesses requests, a 30 second GC pause is going to ruin any guaranteesyou might want to make.
Shenandoah is a new GC algorithm designed to address this issue. We takea simple approach that allows us to do more work while your Java programis running so we can substantially reduce the time the JVM is paused.Our goal is to be able to garbage collect 100gb+ heaps in under 10ms.
This talk will focus on the current status of the project, the goalswe’ve met so far, and what we are hoping to achieve in the coming year.We might even share some performance numbers.
Speaker: Mario Torre, Martijn Verburg, Dalibor Topić, Daniel Bryant, Mani Sarkar
There’s a ton of stuff going on in OpenJDK, projects, repositories, bugdatabase, experiments. This is a lot of potential fun, but the entrancebarrier for newcomers is extremely high, and it’s easy to get lost andnot enjoy the fun anymore. In order to help people wanting to contributekeep track of this intricate forest of development and find their wayout, the Adoption Group was created(http://openjdk.java.net/groups/adoption/).
This session is an exchange between few of the hackers directly involvedwith the Adoption Group and the public. We will indeed discuss some ofthe projects we are currently involved with - like the planned globalhack days for jsonp, jigsaw and tools that use jigsaw and http 2.0 withlanguage interoperability - but above all we will answer questions theaudience may have in relation to getting involved with OpenJDK, bothfrom a technical perspective and a social one, so that next year you cansit together with us helping even more people to jump on the fun!
If you need help organising your next hackday, or you are completelylosttying to get started with OpenJDK, this is the session for you!
Speaker: Mark Reinhold, Andrew Haley, Georges Saab
Meet the OpenJDK Governing Board, Q&A session
Speaker: Hans de Goede
This presentation will discuss the plans to move Xorg to use libinputtoo through an input driver called xf86-input-libinput, as well as thestatus of this move. xf86-input-libinput is scheduled to be the defaultXorg input driver for Fedora 22.
SCALE 13x – the 13th annual Southern California Linux Expo – will beheld at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel. As the first-of-the-yearLinux and Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) expo in North America,SCALE 13x expects to host more than 100 exhibitors this year, alongwith nearly 130 sessions, tutorials, and special events. Held annuallyin Los Angeles, SCALE is the largest community-run FOSS conference inNorth America.
More information is available athttp://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale13x
Speaker: Rich Bowen
You’ve seen Cloud in the press for years, and you have a pretty goodidea of what that means, but what’s OpenStack? In this talk, you’llget the high-level view of what OpenStack is, what all the movingparts do, and how they fit together. We’ll also talk about theOpenStack Foundation, and how the project is governed.
Topics covered will include:
Speaker: Joe Brockmeier
We’ve come a long, long way since the days of installing software bycompiling source nd shoving it onto a system with make install
.Last year, Docker containers were heralded as a way out of thecomplexities of managing software - but today we’re faced witha slew of container offerings and things look more complex thanever. What’s the solution? In this presentation we’ll look ata number of next-generation technologies for managing applications,such as:
We’ll talk about the options in front of developers and adminstoday, how they can navigate all the new shiny technologies thatpromise better software delivery and management, and what the restof 2015 is likely to bring.
Speaker: Jason Brooks
Certain scheduling tasks, such as selecting the host to launch a newVM or receive a migrating VM, are central to every cloud andvirtualization management system. These systems use rules to makescheduling decisions, but rules alone leave certain efficiency gainsunrealized. Version 3.5 of oVirt, the open source virtual datacentermanagement system, included a new VM scheduling optimizer based onthe OptaPlanner project. While working within policy constraints setby an administrator, this service performs probabalistic analysis ofthe environment to suggest how best to assign host resources.
In this talk, learn about:
Speaker: Tom Callaway
Free and Open Source licenses are a key part of how FOSS works, butmost of us do not fully understand how (or why) they work. Afterreviewing more than 350 FOSS licenses for Fedora (over the course of10 years), Tom has seen almost everything and can share his wisdomwith you. In this talk, he’ll cover the commonly used FOSS licenses,describe how they work, and even point out some of the uniquelicenses on the fringe of our universe. Bonus: he’s been readingLegalese for years (as a non-lawyer who regularly works withlawyers at Red Hat), so he can translate licenses back to English.
He will also cover:
Speaker: Thomas Cameron
GlusterFS was developed as a distributed filesystem in the oil and gas/high performance compute arena. Using GlusterFS, flexible distributed storage can easily be set up using commodity x86 hardware. Simple, inexpensive internal or JBOD storage can be linked across multiple physical servers and presented as a single storage namespace. This storage can be used for log file, web content, virtual machine, and other storage use cases. Red Hat’s Thomas Cameron will demonstrate the steps involved in installing Gluster, configuring disks, linking the Gluster nodes, defining storage bricks, and presenting that storage to clients. He’ll talk about tips and tricks, best practices, backup and recovery, and more.
Speaker: Rikki Endsley
Do you cringe when you see #hashtags? Do you roll your eyes at “social media gurus”? Social media should save time (not suck it), but you don’t have to be a community manager or have a communications background to leverage the power of 140 characters. With a few quick and easy tips, your open source project can use social media to communicate with contributors, grow its community, and share news and announcements.Already love IRC and email lists? Great! This talk will explain how using social media – such as Twitter, G+, and Facebook – can complement those good ole reliable communication methods. You also will learn how to determine which social media accounts your project needs, what content to post (and when to post it), who to follow, and how to determine whether your approach is working. Find out how to avoid being the center of an ugly Twitter storm (or pull yourself out when it’s too late), and how to keep from being super boring or becoming a spamtastic yawn fest. Using well-known open source projects as examples, this talk will show how one account doubled its followers in three months, and a new open source project had 435 followers the week it launched. This talk provides a crash course in social media to help your project effectively manage its messages and connect with its community. (* Drinking the social media Kool-aid not required.)
Speaker: Jason Hibbets
Over the past five years, Jason Hibbets has been the community manager behind Opensource.com, an online publication focused on highlighting the use of open source methodologies in areas outside of technology. He’ll provide a case study of the content strategy and community building effort for the Opensource.com publication, a project sponsored by Red Hat. You’ll go behind the scenes and see the nuts-and-bolts, the tools, the metrics, and the strategy that’s helped this project grow to over 500,000 page views a month. This session will:
Speaker: Gina Likins
The tone and tenor of conversations in a community is a large part of whether a community succeeds, yet that’s often a hard concept to model and understand. Using a humorous approach, Gina will demonstrate behaviors that create a hostile community (and by contrast, those that create a welcoming community). She’ll look at the
Defcon Insult Scale for Conversations (the DIScon level), from mildly insulting to abusive, and at key signifiers of each level. Audience members will be encouraged to share their own perceptions of how it feels to be at different DIScon levels. Then she’ll tackle the more subtle forms of riling folks up (ways you can assume ignorance, belittle people, and/or just be condescending). She’s even created a starter list of helpful phrases that people can use as writing prompts when they want to ensure that folks take things the wrong way (phrases like “You may have noticed” and “I’d just like to point out” and “I don’t mean to be [a pedant, sexist, etc], but…”). She’ll conclude with steps individuals can take to reduce the “DIScon level” of the communities in which they participate.
Speaker: Ian McLeod
Distribution build systems are interesting beasts, complex and with many moving parts. In the past year, containers, Project Atomic, and other changes have forced a rapid
evolution in how we consume source and deliver a distribution. This talk will take a look at the entire chain of building a distribution from start to finish. Ian will look at how source is packaged and built, and then how complex combinations of packages are joined together to make a cohesive Linux distribution that successfully installs and runs in a diverse set of environments - from aging x86 hardware to public cloud environments, Linux containers, and immutable systems. He’ll talk about the security considerations, collaboration between hundreds (thousands?) of packagers, and working on the engine while the car is running.
Speaker: Brian Proffitt
The difference between the scale up model used in virtual datacenter management tools like oVirt and vSphere and the cloud’s scale out model used in OpenStack and CloudStack has historially used the pets versus cattle model. But what if there was another way to describe how virtual machines are handled in the datacenter or the cloud? In this pop-culture talk, Brian Proffitt will expain these concepts and present the idea that it’s the starships of Starfleet and the fighters of the Empire and the Alliance that can better demonstrate the complexities of virtual machine management. Datacenter VMs that scale up are more in line with the starships of Starfleet: large, dedicated ships that have an intense amount of investment, not just in the ships themselves, but in the crews that man them. These ships are multifunctional, dedicated to exploration, defense, and intergalactic troubleshooting. Laden with science labs, weaponry, and very diverse crews, these ships are designed to function autonomously in a a variety of situations.Compare that with the ships of the Empire or the Alliance. Single-purpose ships with a seemingly lower investment in crews. On the Empire side, there is very little diversity, with ships and weaponry all designed for singular purposes. Empire crews are literally cut from the same cloth, and there is very little autonomy on any scale. The Alliance is slightly better, but their ships seems aligned to counter the Empire model, and so fall into the same “disposable” model. Crew diversity is infinitely better, but the barrier to entry seems a little low (“let’s give the kid from the sticks an X-Wing fighter with no formal training!”). In many respects, these fictional universes represent how VMs are treated in the datacenter and the cloud. This talk will take a light-hearted and totally geeked-out approach to discussing VMs in modern IT environments.
Speaker: Ruth Suehle
At a glance, the maker movement seems open source by nature, full of contributors sharing their creations and building from one another. But the reality is quite different. Many (if not most) makers are unfamiliar with open source software even as users, much less with how to implement its principles within their projects. The apparently crossover is indeed a natural fit, thought, and there is much benefit in building communities around tangible projects on open source principles. Of course, there are also different sets of challenges from those faced by software communities. New sets of legal issues arise for open hardware projects. Communities unfamiliar with the evolution of open source projects panic when their goods are cloned. There are also project management and build issues larger than those faced by software projects that only have to handle bits and bytes and not pieces and parts; however, we can see a lot of hope and gain direction from those who have been successful, from groups like the Open Prosthetics Project to the wildly successful Arduino and Raspberry Pi ecosystems. These types of communities set the example for the success of open source in maker communities, and as a result, the success of maker communities’ projects for the greater good.
Speaker: John Mark Walker
Open Source is a phenomenon made possible by defined freedoms, managed ecosystems, and the elevation of customers to the same status as developers and vendors, leading to a world where all participants collaborate on open source projects. This innovation was a happy accident: end users were able to collaborate in this way because of the establishment of the four freedoms and the resulting managed ecosystem of open source platforms. The resulting changes in development process led to open source becoming the dominant way to innovate in software. Ultimately, open source is a victory of process, governance and agility, which are at least as important as the code. But what lessons can we take away from open source domination, especially as we push forward in the cloud era? If the four freedoms drove open source development, will they play the same role in the advancement of cloud computing? In this talk, John Mark will look at examples from the cloud computing world and history. Is the secret to innovation the creation of sound processes and good governance?
Speaker: Sage Weil
Ceph is designed around the assumption that all components of the system (disks, hosts, networks) can fail, and has traditionally leveraged replication to provide data durability and reliability. The CRUSH placement algorithm is used to allow failure domains to be defined across hosts, racks, rows, or datacenters, depending on the deployment scale and requirements. Recent releases have added support for erasure coding, which can provide much higher data durability and lower storage overheads. However, in practice erasure codes have different performance characteristics than traditional replication and, under some workloads, come at some expense. At the same time, we have introduced a storage tiering infrastructure and cache pools that allow alternate hardware backends (like high-end flash) to be leveraged for active data sets while cold data are transparently migrated to slower backends. The combination of these two features enables a surprisingly broad range of new applications and deployment configurations.This talk will cover a few Ceph fundamentals, discuss the new tiering and erasure coding features, and then discuss a variety of ways that the new capabilities can be leveraged.
Speaker: Ryan Jarvinen
New container-centric tools are changing the way that projects are distributed and scaled in the cloud. Come learn how these open source building blocks can be used to compose complex, multi-container services that offer distinct advantages in scaling and reliability.This talk provides an overview of Docker, Kubernetes and Red Hat’s new “Atomic” OS distributions, and preview of the next generation OpenShift platform.
Speaker: Matthew Miller
As the Fedora Project reached its 10th birthday, we starting looking at how computing has changed since we started, and what we need to do to stay relevant, useful, and engaging. The IT world has become much more developer and application-centric, automation is everywhere, and cloud computing brings a whole new scale of operations (along with new privacy and security challenges). Personal computing is giving way to mobile. And Linux and open source are everywhere — in ways we only dreamed of a decade ago. Fedora had an amazing and successful first decade, but as we looked forward, realized that we weren’t ideally positioned to meet the challenges this new world brings. Our years of hard work created a polished, capable, and amazing traditional Linux distribution, but our user and contributor communities weren’t growing. After much soul-searching on the mailing list and at our contributor conferences,we knew we had to make some changes. We also knew that we wanted to stay true to our core values — freedom, friends, features, and first — and we didn’t want to turn back on the things we’ve gotten right. So, we worked on several initiatives under the umbrella term “Fedora.next”. This includes the separate Fedora Cloud, Fedora Workstation, and Fedora Server flavors, constructed to fit specific user bases and use cases in a way we’ve never done before. And it includes a more ambitious plan to decompose the thousands of packages in the Fedora repository into modular components in a “ring” structure. It also comes with a new governance model — the consensus-based and objective-oriented Fedora Council. Matthew Miller, the Fedora Project Leader, will talk about all of these things and about where we might be going next, and will answer your questions about anything and everything Fedora related.
Speaker: Levente Kurusa
Levente’s talk will start with some information about the current Desktop market, the status of the Linux Desktop and its different environments. He will discuss some problems he foundand how they are related to each other. These problems vary in nature from community and diversity problems to the problem of the enterprise overriding the needs of the desktop. The community must work together to solve these problems so that people who aren’t tech-savvy can use a Linux distribution and enjoy it.
The Smart City with Open Source, Big Data, Design Thinking, and Free Knowledge Tools at Asia’s premier open technology event.
Additional details about the conference are availableon the conference website.
Speaker: Brian Proffit
Attend a free 2015 oVirt Asia workshop at FOSSASIA in Singapore with star technologist Brian Proffitt. This 3 hour workshop is designed toteach us about oVirt, learn what we can do with oVirt virtualization,encourage collaboration in our community, lay the foundation for bestpractices in oVirt use, and help answer questions about the project fromboth a developer and user’s perspective.
The SouthEast LinuxFest is a community event for anyone who wants to learnmore about Linux and Open Source Software. It is part educational conferenceand part social gathering. Like Linux itself, it is shared with attendees ofall skill levels to communicate tips and ideas, and to benefit all who useLinux and Open Source Software. SELF is the place to learn, to make newfriends, to network with new business partners, and most importantly, to havefun!
Additional details about the conference are available athttp://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/.
The Red Hat Summit is the premier open source technology event to showcase the latest and greatest in cloud computing, platform, virtualization, middleware, storage, and systems management technologies.
More information is available athttp://www.redhat.com/summit/
OSCON is where all of the pieces come together: developers, innovators, businesspeople, and investors. In the early days, this trailblazing O’Reilly event was focused on changing mainstream business thinking and practices; today OSCON is about how the close partnership between business and the open source community is building the future. That future is everywhere you look.
More information is available athttp://www.oscon.com
There’s simply no other event in North America where developers, sys admins, architects and all levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform.
More information is available athttps://web.archive.org/web/20150809075953/http://events.linuxfoundation.org:80/events/linuxcon-north-america
There’s simply no other event in Europe where developers, sys admins, architects and all levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform.
More information is available athttps://web.archive.org/web/20150930211849/http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe