2016 Events

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Brussels, Belgium

Saturday 30 January 2016Sunday 31 January 2016

FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event organisedby the community for the community. The goal is toprovide open source software developers and communitiesa place to meet to:

  • get in touch with other developers and projects;
  • be informed about the latest developments in theopen source world;
  • attend interesting talks and presentations onvarious topics by open source project leadersand committers;
  • to promote the development and the benefits ofopen source solutions.

For more details on FOSDEM, see the event website athttps://fosdem.org/2016/

systemd and where we want to take the basic Linux userspace in 2016

Lennart Poettering



Sat 30 Jan 2016 10:00am10:50am CET

systemd is a system and service manager for Linux and is at the core ofmost of today’s big distributions. In this presentation I’d like toexplain where systemd stands in 2016, and where we want to take it.

Please join me if you are interested in the Linux platform from adeveloper, user, administrator PoV.

Cockpit: a Linux session in your browser

Peter Volpe



Sat 30 Jan 2016 11:00am11:50am CET

Cockpit is the new system admin UI for Linux. It’s a default part ofFedora, and available in other distros as well.

Enterprise desktop at home with FreeIPA and GNOME

Alexander Bokovoy



Sat 30 Jan 2016 12:00pm12:50pm CET

Enterprise environment means a lot of integration to work together.Single sign-on, VPNs, access controls, boring user experience, multiplethird-party applications which may not be playing well with each other.FreeIPA is a project providing an integrated and secure setup ofcomplete free software stack that makes up a typical enterpriseenvironment.

Gluster roadmap, recent improvements and upcoming features

Niels de Vos



Sat 30 Jan 2016 4:00pm 4:50pm CET

Gluster provides Software Defined Storage for the cloud, and is gainingnew functionalities every couple of months. New features make itpossible to deploy the cloud storage solution for an increasing numberof use-cases.

Applying band-aids over security wounds with SystemTap: a data-modification-based approach for fixing the unfixable.

Frank Ch. Eigler

Room:K.1.105 / La Fontaine

Track:Systems Administration

Sat 30 Jan 2016 4:00pm 4:50pm CET

We present a live-patching technique based on systemtap’s programmablein-situ instrumentation. These patches are limited to modifying datainstead of code, but are often sufficient to put a bandage on ableeding security vulnerability - or even a plain bug.

How to run a telco on Free Software: the network transformation with OPNFV

Dave Neary

Room:K.1.105 / La Fontaine

Track:Systems Administration

Sat 30 Jan 2016 5:00pm 5:50pm CET

Networks Functions Virtualizationm or NFV, is a very hot industry topicat the moment. What you might not know is what it means -telecommunications companies who have traditionally used onlyproprietary software to run their core services are now embracing freeand open source software, and in the process changing the way theybuild and deploy core telco serives to be more open.

This presentation will review what makes up an NFV stack in OPNFV,covering OpenStack, OpenDaylight, Open vSwitch, DPDK, QEMU, the Linuxkernel, and other projects. I will present the work being done in thesecommunities to enable the migration of telco applications to thisplatform, particularly in the areas of improved network dataplaneperformance, enabling better management of applications running on theplatform, and the ability to run real-time guest workloads with KVM.

I will also look at the organisational transformation in thetelecommunications industry, and the adoption of DevOps and agilepractices, and the evolving culture of the telecommunications industry,and how the changes that are happening at the request of thetelecommunications industry benefit everyone, from the home hardwarehacker hobbyist to IT operations in small and large companies.

ircb: a versatile, scalable irc bouncer, as a service, for humans

Ratnadeep Debnath

Room:H.2215 / Ferrer

Track:Lightning Talks

Sat 30 Jan 2016 5:20pm 5:35pm CET

ircb, or IRC Bouncer, is an attempt to make next gen IRC bouncer as aservice, from the ground up. It focuses on: - easy setup, deployment,management - low barrier and automated entry point for users - handlescale: - support multiple nodes to distribute connections to IRCnetworks - load balance client connections - optimize network IO usage,by using intelligent caching - support multiple client connections forthe same connection to IRC network

Source code: https://github.com/waartaa/ircb/ Design doc:https://github.com/waartaa/ircb/wiki/Design-docs

Free Java 2016 welcome - Saturday

Mario Torre

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sat 30 Jan 2016 10:25am10:30am CET

Free Java 2016 Introduction - Saturday

Shenandoah, theory and practice

Roman Kennke, Christine H Flood

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sat 30 Jan 2016 12:05pm12:30pm CET

The Difference between Theory and Practice is greater in practice thenit is in theory. We are on the brink of our first official release ofShenandoah. It took two weeks to write up the design and over two yearsto implement it. This talk will discuss the differences between what weinitially proposed and what we now have working. An honest look atcompromises, wrong turns, and innovations. We will finish the talk withthe theory of what comes next: A high level design for NUMA aware GC, asketch of a plan for truly pauseless GC, a brief consideration ofreference counting…

Hunting the bug from hell

Andrew Haley

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sat 30 Jan 2016 1:30pm 2:15pm CET

Imagine you receive a report of a bug which causes a segfault (i.e. amemory exception) in the HotSpot Java VM very occasionally. This bugonly occurs about one time in ten; it might take many hours before ithappens. It has only been observed when running one particular piece ofproprietary software. It only seems to occur on one large machine whenrunning many concurrent threads and a huge heap. There is a clue: itonly seems to happen when running the parallel scavenge garbagecollector. But you’ve no real idea of how the garbage collector works.

This happened to me in 2015. I’m used to being able to find and fixbugs, but this one resisted all of my attempts for a long time. As faras I can recall it’s the most difficult bug I’ve ever fixed. In huntingthis bug I used every tool available to me as a HotSpot developer. I’lldescribe them and how they were used.

We don’t much talk about debugging. Many of us spend much of our timedoing it, but not talking or writing about this important activity. Weshould talk about it more. If there’s time it would be good to swap warstories.

Thermostat for developers

Mario Torre

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sat 30 Jan 2016 3:00pm 3:25pm CET

Thermostat has evolved a log way from being a specialised tool forperformance monitoring and analysis of the JVM, first by encompassing ageneric framework for performance analysis and data visualisation andnow with the addition of a powerful and advanced new Platforminfrastructure that also allow users to build completely standaloneprojects.

The Platform offers a familiar environment that handles Model View andControllers objects, presentation layer, threading models,visualisation and also special effects, and a new data architecture.

In this presentation we will demonstrate how to build an applicationbased on Thermostat in few simple steps and how to take advantage ofthe new architecture to build stunning and visually appealingapplications.

Fault injection testing with bmunit

Andrew Dinn

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sat 30 Jan 2016 3:30pm 4:10pm CET

BMUnit is the package which integrates Byteman into JUnit and TestNG,enabling you to locally redefine the behaviour of application or JDKruntime code for the duration of a single test or group of relatedtests. BMUnit is very simple to use; just add a few annotations to yourtest classes and place a few jars in your classpath. This talk willexplain how BMUnit works by presenting and executing tests whichexemplify the 3 most common use cases:


injecting trace code so you can be sure your tests enter the expectedcode paths


injecting validation rules so you can assert that specific outcomes dooccur


injecting ‘faults’ to modify state or control flow, driving theapplication or JDK runtime down the path needed to exercise a desiredtest scenario

(Please note that this talk replaces ‘Displaying Application Events inThermostat Using Byteman’)

Huge code bases - application monitoring with Hystrix

Roman Mohr

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sat 30 Jan 2016 4:20pm 4:45pm CET

[1] https://github.com/Netflix [2] http://www.ovirt.org

USBGuard: take control over your USB devices

Daniel Kopeček

Room:H.1309 / Van Rijn


Sat 30 Jan 2016 1:30pm 1:55pm CET

In this talk we will learn a bit about how USB devices can do evilthings to your system and introduce a new tool, called USBGuard, thathelps you to defend against USB-based attacks. The USBGuard softwareframework helps to protect your computer against rogue USB devices(a.k.a. BadUSB) by implementing a firewall-like system for whitelistingand blacklisting the devices based on their attributes. Finally, someof the advanced and planned features like USB traffic monitoring ornetwork bound USB disk encryption will be presented.

An overview OpenConnect VPN

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos

Room:H.1309 / Van Rijn


Sat 30 Jan 2016 3:00pm 3:25pm CET

Openconnect is a relatively new VPN solution. It started as a clientfor CISCO’s anyconnect VPN server, but it has now surpassed that roleand provides a reliable VPN solution with a very conservative securityarchitecture for the server. This talk will go through the story behindthe development of the OpenConnect VPN server, address the question onthe need for a new VPN solution and feature the distinctive securityfeatures and capabilities of openconnect. Finally we will provide aninsight on the current development plans.

Community impacts of legal decisions: legal policy as barrier to entry

Dave Neary


Track:Legal and Policy Issues

Sat 30 Jan 2016 12:00pm12:25pm CET

Legal decisions related to an open source project serve multiplepurposes. One of the constituencies of these legal policies is thecommunity of contributors to the project. Unfortunately, the effect oflegal policy decisions by a primary copyright holder can haveunanticipated negative effects on this constituency.

Some legal decisions which have an effect on the contributor communityare: * License choice * Contributor licensing agreements *Determining origin of contributions and “clearing” them * Trademarkusage policy

Dave Neary is a community manager with a long history of participatingin and organising open source community projects, and he will walk youthrough some of the ways in which decisions in these areas haveactively harmed project growth in the past, and may suggest somealternatives which accomplish similar goals without the sameside-effects.

James Shubin


Track:Legal and Policy Issues

Sat 30 Jan 2016 6:00pm 6:25pm CET

James Shubin (@purpleidea) will be presenting his review of some of theimportant legal and licensing issues faced by commercial ventures andenterprises who are involved with or are (in particular) producingsoftware. This will include: current practices and their impact, publicdiscussion and prior art on this topic, the cost of different licenses,and a review and rebuttal of some of the points brought up duringprevious FOSDEM legal dev room presentations. More info in the fulldescription.

Blender as virtual studio lighting playground: using Blender's realtime rendering preview to explore lighting for photography or video setups

Tuomas Kuosmanen


Track:Open Source Design

Sat 30 Jan 2016 12:30pm12:50pm CET

Blender (www.blender.org) is a versatile 3D studio that, among otherthings, contains a handy rendering preview which renders lights andshadows in the 3D editor view. We will be exploring this feature tocreate a virtual studio to play with lighting ideas.

How awesome ended up with Lua and not Guile: retrospective of the awesome window manager

Julien Danjou



Sat 30 Jan 2016 2:00pm 2:20pm CET

During the year 2008, the awesome window manager jumped in and picked aprogramming language to allow its users to extend their configurationbeyond the limit of the possible. History shows that Lua was picked andGuile completely ignored. Fast forward 7 years later: awesome is stillused by tens of thousands of geeks around the globe who write Lua everyday. This talk is going to relate how awesome ended up with Lua, howwonderful and terrible it was, and how and why Guile was discarded.

The future of small languages: experience of Lua and Guile

Andy Wingo, Christopher Webber, Ludovic Courtès, Hisham Muhammad, Etiene Dalcol, Julien Danjou


Track:GNU Guile

Sat 30 Jan 2016 2:20pm 3:00pm CET

Session with the GNU Guile and LUA communities

VOIP troubleshooting with sipcapture tools: open-source VOIP capture, monitoring and troubleshooting

Lorenzo Mangani


Track:Real Time

Sat 30 Jan 2016 5:35pm 5:55pm CET

VoIP/SIP Monitoring and Troubleshooting have never been simpler! OurWorkshop provides a brief history of classic VoIP Capture tools andintroduces HOMER 5, SIPCAPTURE’s flagship Open-Source VoIP Capture,Monitoring and Troubleshooting Appliance with its powerful packetcapture companion tools, providing tight native integration with allmajor OSS VoIP Platforms (Kamailio, OpenSIPS, FreeSwitch, Asterisk andmore) and hooks into external dbs/bigdata for endless integration basedon the EEP/HEP Encapsulation protocol.

Lightning talks

Brian Stinson



Sat 30 Jan 2016 2:15pm 3:10pm CET

Come present your topic to the Distributions audience!

Where are your symbols, debuginfo and sources? (a package is more than a binary - make it observable)

Mark Wielaard



Sat 30 Jan 2016 3:30pm 3:50pm CET

Users (and developers) don’t just want to run an executable, they alsolike to know that it runs efficiently, that it doesn’t use unnecessaryresources and if it crashes and burns they want to collect the piecesand inspect what went wrong. So a package should also provide the userwith a means to easily profile, trace and debug what is running ontheir system. This means a distro should also package symbols,debuginfo and sources for easy/automatic installation. With differentdistros and different versions of distro packages running next to eachother in containers we need some standard conventions to identifyexecutables (build-id) and match and fetch the needed symbols,debuginfo and sources to help the user profile, trace and debug anybinary they find on their system.

Do Software Collections still matter? (with containers, unikernels, and all the new hotness?)

Langdon White



Sat 30 Jan 2016 5:00pm 5:15pm CET

Software Collections are a consistent way of developing RPMs thatallows for parallel installation of binaries. With containers andunikernels being all the rage, do we still have a need to parallelinstall binaries? Why not just make a new container? A new VM? Come toour talk to understand a little bit mora about what SoftwareCollections are and why the authors believe they are still veryrelevant. We might even be able to work in a demo!

UI event fuzzing via american-fuzzy-lop: using afl to fuzz keyboard input for UI testing LibreOffice

Caolán McNamara


Track:Open Document Editors

Sat 30 Jan 2016 12:50pm 1:10pm CET

We use american-fuzzy-lop for fuzzing various file formats thatLibreOffice supports. Here I demo some amusing hackery to use afl tofuzz a stream of keyboard events in order to attempt to flush outunknown or difficult to reproduce bugs.

Finally building LibreOffice on Windows

Stephan Bergmann


Track:Open Document Editors

Sat 30 Jan 2016 4:00pm 4:20pm CET

…with clang-cl, thereby leveraging (some of) the Clang goodness weenjoy on the other platforms for the Windows-specific parts, too. Thistalk will highlight some of the findings made during that endeavour.

Docker for developers

Michael Hrivnak

Room:UA2.114 / Baudoux

Track:Containers and Process Isolation

Sat 30 Jan 2016 12:15pm12:45pm CET

Docker is not just for deployment. As a developer, there are many waysDocker can make you more productive, regardless of how your app getsdeployed.

In this session, you will learn practical strategies for using Docker,including how to:

  • Run unit tests locally in multiple environments with almost nooverhead.
  • Make your integration tests easy for anyone to run by distributingthem in a Docker image.
  • Simulate advanced network topologies, especially for aservice-oriented architecture.
  • Make a Docker image in 5 minutes or less that produces builds from aconsistent environment.
  • Isolate database state changes in your test suite by using a pool ofdisposable containers.

Testing complex software in CI: stories from SSSD and Samba world

Jakub Hrozek, Andreas Schneider

Room:UA2.220 / Guillissen

Track:Testing and Automation

Sat 30 Jan 2016 1:45pm 2:30pm CET

This talk will show stories from the trenches of developing tests forSSSD and Samba. How we developed complete integration tests thatexercise all the capabilities of our software and run in environmentswithout a real network access, without requiring root or sudo ortouching the important OS interfaces.

"i find your lack of threads disturbing": optimizing QEMU and KVM for high IOPS

Paolo Bonzini

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sat 30 Jan 2016 11:30am12:10pm CET

The QEMU and KVM developers’ efforts towards a high-performance blocklayer started back in 2012, and are now seeing the light. In thispresentation I will lead the audience through this multi-year journey.

I will explain the structure of the QEMU block layer, why it hastraditionally preferred cooperative multitasking (coroutines) tothreads, and how to reconcile this design with the high level ofparallelism required by modern PCIe storage devices.

Bringing host lifecycle and content management into oVirt: powerful management of your virtualized data-center

Oved Ourfali

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sat 30 Jan 2016 2:00pm 2:40pm CET

In this session I’ll show an overview of oVirt (VirtualizationManagement), Foreman (Host Lifecycle Management), and Katello (ContentManagement), and show how we use the latter two in oVirt to give aPowerful Virtualizaed Data-Center Management system.

Reactive processing in oVirt

Piotr Kliczewski

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sat 30 Jan 2016 2:45pm 3:25pm CET

Virtualization management requires processing continuous streams ofdata, mostly for monitoring purposes. It is therefore challenging tomake sure the different services are able to act properly, rather thanbecome overloaded with incoming data. “Reactive” concepts can helpovercome such challenges. In this presentation I’ll show how oVirtembraced these concepts and evolved to Reactive architecture, and showthe impact it had on overall system performance and stability.

Sweep away the garbage: for scalable, fault-tolerant shared VM storage

Adam Litke

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sat 30 Jan 2016 3:30pm 4:10pm CET

In modern virtualization platforms virtual machine disks are stored invarious kinds of shared repositories which are accessed by thousands ofhypervisors simultaneously. Changes are constant. How can you providehigh performance access to these resources while ensuring a consistentview of the world across all systems? When bad things happen, how doyou restore the integrity of the data?

Build a basic cloud using RDO-Manager

K Rain Leander

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sat 30 Jan 2016 5:15pm 5:40pm CET

One of the impediments to becoming an active technical contributor inthe OpenStack community is setting up your own R&D environment whichincludes making your own cloud. How much RAM do you really need? Howimportant is processor speed? What else do I need to know?

Using RDO-manager, get a basic cloud up and running with the feweststeps and minimal hardware so you can focus on the fun stuff -development!

After this presentation, you will be able to build your own basic cloudusing RDO-manager.

Guix-tox, a functional version of Tox

Cyril Roelandt



Sat 30 Jan 2016 5:00pm 5:30pm CET

Tox is a very well-known tool, written in Python, that allows users torun tests inside various virtual environments created using virtualenv.This approach prevents tests from being truly reproducible. We will seein this talk how virtualenv can be replaced by GNU Guix, a functionalpackage manager, in order to improve tox. We will give real-lifeexamples using Python packages from the OpenStack project.

Managing Python packages with pulp

Michael Hrivnak



Sat 30 Jan 2016 5:30pm 6:00pm CET

Pulp can be used to create and manage local repositories of Pythonpackages.

Re-thinking Linux distributions: ... separate the operating system from the content

Langdon White



Sun 31 Jan 2016 10:00am10:50am CET

As the power pendulum swings towards developers and open source, fromsys-admins and proprietary software, respectively, Linux Distributionsare faced with a challenge. How do they get more relevant to the newpower brokers?

This talk will discuss the work taking place in the Fedora, CentOS, andRed Hat EL communities to address these challenges.

Live migration of virtual machines from the bottom up

Amit Shah

Room:K.1.105 / La Fontaine


Sun 31 Jan 2016 3:00pm 3:50pm CET

Hypervisors get deployed in wildly different scenarios: datacenters aredifferent from clouds, and both of these are different from the way weuse virtualization on our workstations or laptops. This has resulted inthe different projects using a layered approach, which makes everythingmodular, but prone to a lot of mismatches and errors. Effort has beenongoing on making these layers behave as a cohesive whole, whileaddressing the usecases and demands from the various deploymentscenarios in a way that scales well. This talk will be focussed on thelive migration aspect of virtualization, showcasing some of theusecases, and actual problems that have been solved while keeping allthe usecases in mind.

Free Java 2016 welcome - Sunday

Mario Torre

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sun 31 Jan 2016 10:15am10:20am CET

Free Java 2016 Welcome - Sunday

Optimizing above the JVM in JRuby 9000

Charles Nutter, Thomas Enebo

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sun 31 Jan 2016 1:30pm 2:00pm CET

JRuby has for years routed around the JVM, to maximize compatibilitywith standard Ruby. We’ve implemented byte[]-based String and Regexp,native POSIX support, and our own mixed-mode interpreting/jittingruntime atop JVM bytecode.

With JRuby 9000, we’re taking this even further. JRuby 9000 introducesa new IR-based optimizing compiler, with inlining, specialization, andother tricks applied to both interpreted and bytecode-compiled code.We’ve also gone fully native for much of IO and Process management.This talk will show the state of this work and how it affects JRuby andthe wider JVM world.


Mario Torre

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sun 31 Jan 2016 2:10pm 2:40pm CET

(This talk replaces ‘Beyond Java 9’.)

Adoption's group cultural guide to OpenJDK

Mario Torre, Martijn Verburg, Dalibor Topić

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sun 31 Jan 2016 2:50pm 3:20pm CET

OpenJDK is now a well established Free Software Ecosystem, with avibrant Community and lots of interesting stuff going on, withprojects, repositories, bug database and above all experiments!

This is exciting and fun, but given the challenges of such massiveproject, it is intimidating and it is easy to get lost. It is also easyto forget that such massive infrastructure requires well defined rules,that are sometime perceived as blocking rather than aiding theparticipation. To help people wanting to contribute keep track of thisintricate forest of development and find their way in, the AdoptionGroup was created (http://openjdk.java.net/groups/adoption/).

This session is an exchange between few of the hackers directlyinvolved with the Adoption Group and the public, we will answerquestions the audience may have in relation to getting involved withOpenJDK, try to define and explain workarounds for most common problems(and blockers!) that newcomers face, discuss some of the projects weare currently involved with, and hope to be your Ariadne’s thread towin back the fun of contributing and participating at all levels,without ever getting lost!

Meet the governing board

Mark Reinhold, Andrew Haley, Georges Saab, Doug Lea, John Duimovich

Room:H.1301 / Cornil

Track:Free Java

Sun 31 Jan 2016 3:30pm 5:00pm CET

Meet the OpenJDK Governing Board, Q&A session

From prototype to deployment: building a REST application using go (experiences learned during the development of heketi)

Luis Pabón

Room:H.1302 / Depage


Sun 31 Jan 2016 10:35am11:20am CET

Choosing a language, specially a relatively new language, for a projectcan be a challenge. Does it have enough documentation? Is itinterpreted or compiled to machine language? How easily can it bebuilt? How can it be tested? What libraries are available? These andother question like them are always asked by developers whenconfronting a new language for a project. In this talk we will bediscussing the experiences learned while researching, designing,developing, and deploying project Heketi, a RESTful service used tointelligently allocate volumes in GlusterFS.

Optimizing JRuby 9000: taking Ruby performance to the next level

Charles Nutter



Sun 31 Jan 2016 11:05am11:50am CET

JRuby 9000 introduced a brand new optimizing runtime, with aregister-based IR and classic compiler design. Atop this new runtime,we’ve started to apply our own dynamic language optimizations likeinlining, specialization, and more. This talk will summarize the stateof our work and how it’s paying off for Ruby users.

This is a talk about JRuby 9000s optimizing compiler and the work we’redoing to optimize Ruby above the level of JVM bytecode. We’ll alsocover work to take better advantage of JVM optimizations and keepmaking JRuby the best Ruby implementation available.

Building a geo-aware OS

Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)



Sun 31 Jan 2016 11:00am11:25am CET

In this talk, I’ll be presenting the tools (geoclue, geocode-glib andGNOME Maps) we have been slowing creating to make GNOME fully geo-awareand and how these tools harness existing open source and open dataprojects out there. While our focus has been GNOME, most of these toolsare very much generic and could (and IMO should) be used by otherLinux-based system.

Nir on the Mesa i965 backend: a case for a faster and simpler driver

Eduardo Lima



Sun 31 Jan 2016 11:00am11:50am CET

If you are running Linux on an Intel GPU, chances are that yourgraphics driver just got much better. Mesa, the most popular opensource OpenGL implementation, has got a new intermediate language torepresent GLSL shader programs. It is called NIR, and is based onmodern knowledge on compilers and GPU architecture. The Intel i965driver is fully powered by NIR now, after support to non-scalar shadershas been recently added.

Compute support for Nouveau: creating a LLVM to TGSI and a SPIR-V to nv50 ir backends

Hans de Goede, Pierre Moreau



Sun 31 Jan 2016 2:00pm 2:50pm CET

This talk will look at the work recently done to enable compute supporton GPUs supported by Nouveau. The focus of the talk will be ongenerating a representation of the OpenCL code that can be consumed byNouveau, which is the biggest missing piece to get OpenCL running onNouveau.

The state of Linux distributions: where do distributions stand in the brave new world?

Joe Brockmeier



Sun 31 Jan 2016 10:00am10:20am CET

Once Upon a Time, Linux distributions were the “center of the universe”for free and open source software. If you wanted to reach users withyour project, the best path to do so was to have your software packagedfor the “major” Linux distributions of the time. Today, the world looksa lot different with language-specific package managers, microservicesand containers, and so on. What’s the role of Linux distributions intoday’s open source world, and where do we go from here?

Standardising booting on ARMv7: making U-Boot useful and simple to use

Dennis Gilmore



Sun 31 Jan 2016 10:30am11:15am CET

This talk will go over the work being done in standardising how distrosboot on armv7 machines. Making things simpler for the user.

The Fedora project by the numbers: (storytelling with metrics and data)

Remy DeCausemaker



Sun 31 Jan 2016 12:30pm12:50pm CET

This presentation will feature metrics from the Fedora Project. Sometopics of interest will include:

  • Mailing List Demographics and Breakdown. Annual and All-time metrics
  • Downloads and server traffic
  • Yearly contributor Activity on the Fedmsg bus (technical andnon-technical contributions)
  • Bodhi Updates System traffic and metrics
  • Data visualizations and graphics
  • Storytelling and anecdotes

The CentOS CI: a getting started guide

Dusty Mabe



Sun 31 Jan 2016 1:30pm 1:50pm CET

The CentOS CI is a public resource that open source based projects canuse for integration tests on bare metal hardware. The goal of theproject is to be a resource for communities that build on top of CentOSin order to enable them to perform better automated testing. Down theline this infrastructure will be developed into a full pipeline forbuilding and testing containers. This talk will give an overview of theCentOS CI as well as a quick start to getting started with the project.

Wither EPEL? (harvesting the next generation of software for the enterprise)

Karsten Wade



Sun 31 Jan 2016 4:30pm 4:50pm CET

EPEL is a repository of packages rebuilt from the Fedora Project andavailable for use on RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, and other*EL-based rebuilds. At FOSDEM 2015 there was a hallway session(literally), where we discussed the challenges of EPEL for users anddevelopers, how to work best across the Fedora and CentOS projects, andhow the repository should evolve. This session for FOSDEM 2016 intendsto build on that discussion with a round-table of key people from EPEL,Fedora, and EL-rebuilds to discuss amongst themselves and with theaudience what’s right, what’s wrong, how to fix, and what the future ofEPEL should be.

GNOME builder, a year of development

Christian Hergert



Sun 31 Jan 2016 9:10am 9:40am CET

This talk will take a look at a year of development on GNOME Builder byit’s primary author. We’ll cover tips and tricks to get the most out ofthe application. Additionally, we’ll discuss where the project isheaded and how you can help and define it’s future.

FreeBSD/Xen update: news from FreeBSD and Xen

Roger Pau Monné, Wei Liu



Sun 31 Jan 2016 12:00pm 1:00pm CET

It’s been more than a year since FreeBSD gained support for running asa Xen host, but there’s still a lot of ongoing work on both FreeBSD andXen in order to improve the features and the performance of FreeBSD asa guest and a host.

This talk will cover the latest improvements in FreeBSD related to Xensupport, and the new features being developed for Xen itself.

Managing Ceph through cinder using oVirt

Maor Lipchuk

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sun 31 Jan 2016 10:00am10:25am CET

The demand for managing a large amount of data in a scalable yetreliable and cost-effective way has became more and more relevant inthis day and age. Ceph, a software-defined storage, provides anoriginal solution for this problem and guarantees a resilient andself-healing way for managing large amount of data up to the Exabytelevel. In this session I will talk about a new feature introduced inoVirt 3.6 which provides the ability to integrate with Red Hat Cephstorage using Cinder, a storage service used mainly for OpenStack. Thisintegration reveals new opportunities and tools for storage managementin a scalable and virtualized way and also opens the door forinteresting future integrations with other storage providers.

Ceph RADOS gateway overview

Orit Wasserman

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sun 31 Jan 2016 10:30am11:10am CET

Ceph is a highly available distributed software defined storage,providing object, key/value and file-system interfaces. Ceph RGW (RadosGateway) provides cloud object storage with HTTP REST API that isAmazon S3 and openstack swift compatible.

We will provide an architecture overview of Ceph and RGW and will talkof RGW future directions.

oVirt - let's hyperconverge!

Martin Sivák

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sun 31 Jan 2016 11:15am11:55am CET

We were asked to come up with a solution to setting up a cluster wherestorage, management and VMs are running together on small number ofnodes. This solution is currently known as hyper convergedarchitecture. This kind of setup seems to be getting quite common insmall deployments, but it was not possible to use it and maintain alloVirt reliability features until now. This presentation will be aboutthe system design and issues we encountered while installing theminimal possible reliable cluster using three hyper converged hostswith oVirt as the software stack and Gluster for the storage - allrunning together in highly available setup across all three nodes.

Containers and virtualization: how they can work together

Joe Brockmeier

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sun 31 Jan 2016 12:15pm12:40pm CET

A lot of folks are talking about containers vs. virtualization.Sometimes that makes sense, but there are also a number of cases wherethey’re working together. I want to talk about the relationship betweenvirtualization and containers, and some of the efforts to managevirtualization / IaaS technologies with containers to make them easierto deploy and manage. This includes efforts to containerize things likeoVirt and OpenStack, as well as the best way to run KVM virtualmachines in privileged containers.

Advanced management for IaaS and containers

Federico Simoncelli

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sun 31 Jan 2016 12:45pm 1:25pm CET

As your IaaS of choice is becoming more and more fundamental to runcontainerized applications, the need for orchestration and advancedmanagement is critical for an efficient, secure, and scalabledeployment. This presentation will describe how ManageIQ, the leadingOpen Source cloud management platform, can cross-link information fromdifferent layers in your infrastructure to present a consistent viewfor the operator.

Raiders of the lost testing env: the search for a reproducible VM testing environment

David Caro

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sun 31 Jan 2016 4:00pm 4:25pm CET

In the oVirt project, getting a full testing environment where to runfunctional and integration tests for all the involved subprojects is ahard task, if you add to that that it has to be reproducible acrossmachines, easy to automate and being able to be run on a developerlaptop, you end up with a huge challenge, but we are up to it!

In the oVirt project we are actively developing a framework that meetsall those requirements, Lago! (spanish/italian for lake)

Oh, my! oh-my-vagrant (with live demos!): oh-my-vagrant development environments for hackers

James Shubin

Room:UB2.252A / Lameere

Track:Virtualisation and IaaS

Sun 31 Jan 2016 4:30pm 4:55pm CET

Learn how to get a Vagrant environment running as quickly as possible,so that you can start iterating on your project right away. I’ll showyou an upstream project called Oh-My-Vagrant that does the work andadds all the tweaks to glue different Vagrant provisioners togetherperfectly. I’ll also demonstrate some tools such as vscreen and vcsshwhich make it possible to connect to single and multiple numbers ofvagrant vm’s more easily. We’ll do all of this using the libvirt pluginto vagrant, which makes it possible to use the virsh and virt-managertools in parallel with your vagrant toolset.

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Geelong, Australia

Monday 1 February 2016Friday 5 February 2016

linux.conf.au is the largest linux and open source conference in the Asia-Pacific region. Run annually since 1999, it brings together the Australian, New Zealand and international community for standout presentations, demonstrations and relationship building. It is a deeply technical conference and pre-emininent practitioners in the field, both professionals and hobbyists, are expected to attend.

Additional details about the conference are available athttp://lcabythebay.org.au/.

A brief history of technical writing with examples

Zac Dover


Track:Open Documentation Mini-Conf

Mon 1 Feb 2016 11:00am11:40am AEDT

Two years of tech writing

Zac Dover


Track:Open Documentation Mini-Conf

Mon 1 Feb 2016 2:20pm 3:00pm AEDT

Cloud Crafting – Public / Private / Hybrid

Steven Ellis

Room:Costa Hall

Track:Open Cloud Symposium

Mon 1 Feb 2016 4:05pm 4:25pm AEDT

Do you need to utilise many different public cloud technologies, or perhaps you’d like to put a cloud friendly shine on that rust old legacy VMware infrastructure. Perhaps the learning curve for OpenStack is too steep or it is missing critical feature you require? Take a look at ManageIQ, an Open Source project that can broker across on-premise IaaS as well as Public/Private cloud environments to provide a one stop shop for your DevOps needs.This session will cover the key features of ManageIQ and demo connectivity to a range of Cloud and IaaS technologies.

Is that a data-center in your pocket?

Steven Ellis

Room:Costa Hall

Track:Sys-Admin Mini-Conf

Tue 2 Feb 2016 10:40am11:10am AEDT

Fed up fighting with the public cloud, or running out of space on your laptop next time you want to try our latest and greatest technology out?Thanks to technologies like nested virtualisation and thin-lvm you can nowbuild, run and redeploy on your personal laptop a small data-centre’s worth of technology. As great as the public cloud and shared lab environments are(n’t), sometimes you just want to thrash out a problem quickly. What do you do when you’re missing that extra storage or physical compute resource to make it happen?Come learn some tips and tricks.

Tutorial: Identity Management with FreeIPA

Fraser Tweedale


Wed 3 Feb 2016 1:20pm 3:00pm AEDT

FreeIPA is an integrated identity management solution providingcentralised user, host and service management, authentication andauthorisation in Linux/UNIX networked environments, with a focus onease of deployment and management. It is built on top of well-knownOpen Source technologies and standards including 389 DirectoryServer, MIT Kerberos and Dogtag Certificate System.

This hand-on workshop will provide participants with a comprehensiveintroduction to FreeIPA including server deployment andadministration, client machine enrolment, and configuring serversoftware to use FreeIPA’s centralised identity and policy store.

Improving thread synchronization in GlusterD (Daemon for Gluster) using Userspace RCU (Read-copy-update)

Atin Mukherjee

Room:Wool Museum

Wed 3 Feb 2016 1:20pm 2:05pm AEDT

Gluster is a open source scalable distributed storage system which can run in any commodity hardware. GlusterD is the daemon which manages the cluster configuration for Gluster.

GlusterD was originally designed as a single threaded application which could handle just one transaction at a time. It was made multi-threaded to improve responsiveness and support handling multiple transactions at a time. This was needed for newer features like volume snapshots which could leave GlusterD unresponsive for some periods of time.

Making GlusterD multi-threaded required the creation of a thread synchronization mechanism, to protect the shared data-structures (mainly everything under the GlusterD configuration, glusterd_conf_t struct) from concurrent access from multiple threads. This was accomplished using the Big-lock.

Melvin: A new implementation of LVM in Rust

Andy Grover

Room:Wool Museum

Wed 3 Feb 2016 3:40pm 4:35pm AEDT

The LVM2 logical volume management tool has been a mainstay of using Linux for many years. Rust is a new memory-safe systems programming language. Melvin is a pure Rust implementation of LVM2 and libdm functionality. This talk will cover why Rust is uniquely suited for rewriting LVM and other existing C-based projects: the benefits that accrue from a second implementation generally, and the benefits particular to using Rust. We will also peer under the covers of LVM to understand what’s actually going on, what Melvin supports already, and what’s still to come.

Speaking their language: How to write for technical and non-technical audiences

Rikki Endsley

Room:Costa Hall

Thu 4 Feb 2016 4:35pm 5:20pm AEDT

Open source communities are made up of individuals with a range of experience and expertise, so how do you write for the different audiences? Sure, you’re comfortable shooting sentences over IRC or knocking out a note to your mailing list. But what about reporting your team’s progress to a non-technical manager, or explaining your product to non-technical end users? Find out how to:

  • Define your audience(s)
  • Outline your idea
  • Decide what information to include and terms to define
  • Repurpose content for multiple audiences
  • Streamline the writing process

Attendees will also see real examples of submissions for Opensource.com, which illustrate how marketing pieces, developer blog posts, announcements, event reports, and other formats can be turned into polished articles, tutorials, and documentation.

Raspberry Pi Hacks

Ruth Suehle

Room:Wool Museum

Fri 5 Feb 2016 2:15pm 3:00pm AEDT

Maybe you bought a Raspberry Pi a year or two ago and never got around to using it. Or you built something interesting, but now there’s a new version of the Pi and new add-ons, and you want to know if they could make your project even better? The Raspberry Pi has grown from its original purpose as a teaching tool to become the tiny computer of choice for many makers, allowing those with varied Linux and hardware experience to have a fully functional computer the size of a credit card powering their ideas. Regardless of where you are in Pi experience, join Ruth Suehle and Tom Callaway to hear some of the best tricks for getting the most out of the Raspberry Pi. They’ll also share some of the best projects they and others have built, from gaming devices to home automation, and they’ll fill you in on what the Raspberry Pi 2 can help you do.

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Friday 18 March 2016Sunday 20 March 2016

FOSSASIA is the premier Free and Open Source technology event in Asia for developers, start-ups, and contributors. Projects at FOSSASIA range from open hardware, to design, graphics and software.

Additional details about the conference are available athttp://2016.fossasia.org/.

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Chemnitzer Linux-Tage

Chemnitz, Germany

Saturday 19 March 2016Sunday 20 March 2016

Since 1999 we organise the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage with a constantly increasing success. Naturally, as time goes by some members leave the team and new ones join however some of us are involved right from the start.

We organise the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage because we want to give the people an understanding of Linux and Open Source and it is a lot of fun to organise a meanwhile so complex event. Furthermore we get motivated again and again anew by positive responses of visitors.

Additional details about the conference are available athttps://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2016/en.

Introducing Open Source Virtualization project oVirt

Rene Koch

Sun 20 Mar 2016 2:00pm 3:00pm CET

Nowadays,virtualization is the foundation of many IT environments in medium and large enterprises. The KVM based Red Hat Enterprise virtualization and its upstream project oVirt, is a high performance and at the same time cost-saving open source solution combined with enterprise management features.

This presentation will introduce virtualization solution oVirt. In addition to a short description of the particular components and tools, this talk will also cover typical applications scenarios. The second part of this talk will describe on how to contribute (with or without programming knowledge) to oVirt.

Additional details about this talk is availabe in German athttps://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2016/en/programm/beitrag/346.

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Incontro DevOps Italia

Bologna, Italy

Friday 1 April 2016

The 4th edition of the Incontro DevOps Italia (Italian DevOps Meeting) is also the 1st internationally-targeted event of the DevOps Italia group. This one-day event features two tracks, one in English and one in Italian, and includes presentations and workshops for DevOps professionals and enthusiasts.

Additional details about the conference are available athttps://web.archive.org/web/20160318174809/http://www.incontrodevops.it/events/idi2016/.

oVirt as virtualization platform to leverage cloud technologies allowing you to have a IAAS / IAC for your Dev-Ops environment

Sandro Bonazzola


Fri 1 Apr 2016 5:55pm 6:30pm CEST

oVirt is a virtualization platform with an easy-to-use web interface. It manages virtual machines, storage and virtualized networks. oVirt makes KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) a viable feature-rich, enterprise-class virtualization alternative.

oVirt can also be integrated with

  • OpenStack services like Glance, Cinder and Neutron
  • Foreman for automated VM deployment
  • Katello for errata monitoring on hosts and VMs
  • Kubernetes / OpenShift / Atomic
  • Jenkins for VM creation within jobs execution
  • ManageIQ

oVirt allows to leverage cloud technologies allowing you to have a IAAS / IAC for your Dev-Ops environment.

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LinuxCon Europe

Berlin, Germany

Tuesday 4 October 2016Thursday 6 October 2016

There’s simply no other event in Europe where developers, sys admins, architects and all levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform.

Additional details about the conference are available athttps://web.archive.org/web/20160908213009/http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe/.

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Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil

Wednesday 19 October 2016Friday 21 October 2016

Latinoware is an event that promotes cultural, economic and technological impacts of free software in Latin America and beyond, aiming to expand the discussions about accessing different open source tools.

More information is available athttp://latinoware.org/

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Seattle, WA

Tuesday 8 November 2016Wednesday 9 November 2016

KubeCon (a CNCF event) gathers leading Kubernetes technologists from multiple open source cloud native communities to further the education and advancement of Docker, Kubernetes, and Cloud Native architectures.

More information is available athttp://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kubecon

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Bologna, Italy

Saturday 3 December 2016

NoSlidesConf is about step-by-step technical sessions showing how to get code up and running: 45-minute demos with live changes to code and configuration

Additional details about the conference are available athttp://www.noslidesconf.net/.