oVirt 4.2.6 Release Notes
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability of the 4.2.6 release as of September 03, 2018.
Release has been updated on September 13, 2018.
Release has been updated on October 4th, 2018 with a new oVirt Node consuming CentOS 7.5 updates.
oVirt is a free open-source distributed virtualization solution, designed to manage your entire enterprise infrastructure. oVirt uses the trusted KVM hypervisor and is built upon several other community projects, including libvirt, Gluster, PatternFly, and Ansible.
This release is available now for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, CentOS Linux 7.5 (or similar).
If you’d like to try oVirt as quickly as possible, follow the instructions on the Download page.
For complete installation, administration, and usage instructions, see the oVirt Documentation.
For a general overview of oVirt, read the About oVirt page.
To learn about features introduced before 4.2.6, see the release notes for previous versions.
No Fedora support
Regretfully, Fedora is not supported anymore, and RPMs for it are not provided. At this point, we only try to fix problems specific to Fedora if they affect developers. For some of the work to be done to restore support for Fedora, see also tracker bug 1460625.
Don’t enable all of EPEL on oVirt machines.
The ovirt-release package enables the EPEL repositories and includes several specific packages that are required from there. It also enables and uses the CentOS SIG repos, for other packages.
If you want to use other packages from EPEL, you should make sure to
use includepkgs
and add only those you need avoiding to override
packages from other repos.
- oVirt 4.2.6 Release Notes
Known Issues
- With oVirt Node 4.2.6 IP over infiniband is not working anymore after an upgrade, due to kernel 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64. You can find some detail here: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=15193. An async release will be issued as soon as a new kernel will be available.
What’s New in 4.2.6?
oVirt Engine
- BZ 1457250 [RFE] Provide Live Migration for VMs based on “High Performance VM” Profile - manual migrations
This feature provides the ability to enable the live migration for those HP VMs (and in general to all VM types with pinning settings).
n oVirt 4.2 we added a new “High Performance” VM profile type. This required configuration settings includes pinning the VM to a host based on the host specific configuration. Due to that pinning settings, the migration option for the HP VM type was automatically forced to be disabled.
in oVirt 4.2.x we will provide the ability to manual migrate the HP VM. This is the first phase solution as mentioned in the feature page.
In next oVirt release 4.2 we will provide a full automatic solution.
This solution for 4.2.x includes:
1. Only manual migration can be done for HP VMs via the UI. In addition the user will have to choose the destination host to migrate to.
2. Manual migration is also supported for Server/Desktop VM types with pinned configuration, but only via REST api.
For more details on this first phase/manual solution, please refer to the feature page - BZ 1590967 [RFE] Display space savings when a VDO volume is used.
Feature: Reporting VDO space savings on the Storage domains, gluster volumes and bricks
Reason: Good to know it.
Result: Storage Domain view, Volume view and Brick view now include a ‘VDO savings’ field with savings percent. - BZ 1393372 iscsi: request and parse ipv6 targets from vdsm (in clusterLevel>=4.1) - engine side
Discover and login to ipv6 addresses while creating a new iSCSI storage domain.
In case of trying to discover an ipv6 address, there’s an error message. Therefore only discovery for ipv4 is being supported today.
The user can successfully discover ipv6 addresses.
This is enabled by default on clusterLevel >=4.3, but may be enabled manually on clusterLevel=4.2 if all of your hosts are >= 4.2.6 with
engine-config -s ipv6IscsiSupported=true –cver=4.2 - BZ 1558847 [RFE] Sync all networks across all hosts in cluster
Previously, if a host’s networks network definitions became unsynchronized with the definitions on the Manager, there was no way to synchronize all unsynchronized hosts on the cluster level.
In this release, a new Sync All Networks button has been added to the Cluster screen in the Administration Portal that enables users to synchronize all unsynchronized hosts with the definitions defined on the Manager. - BZ 1565541 packaging: Ansible playbook to set ovn cluster tunnel should accept long network names
Previously, it was not possible to define long network names when modifying the tunnelling network for OVN controllers.
In this release, a script has been provided to enable long network names to be used for tunnelling network definitions. - BZ 1625171 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] [RFE] Should be able to change the Port number of NoVnc
- BZ 1596151 enable migration for cpu pinned VMs
Remove the config parameter called “CpuPinMigrationEnabled” (appears on DB in vdc_options table) in downstream and upstream installations.
This change was done to support High Performance VM live migration (BZ 1457250)
oVirt Setup Lib
- BZ 1295041 [RFE] add IPv6 support to ovirt-setup-lib
Previously, the engine-setup tool did not support host names that only resolved to an IPv6 address.
In this release, the engine-setup tool supports host names that only resolve to an IPv6 address.
oVirt Hosted Engine Setup
- BZ 1608467 [TEXT] - the deployment will fail late if firewalld is disabled or masked on the host
Self-hosted engine deployment fails if firewalld is masked on the host. This is now checked earlier in the deployment script.
oVirt Engine Metrics
- BZ 1607127 [RFE] Update ansible-inventory file to use latest instead of version
The current release always uses the latest Ansible inventory file, so that a particular Openshift version no longer needs to be specified and the documentation is always up to date.
Bug Fixes
oVirt Engine
- BZ 1623447 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] Pending change IO thread disable is not applied on shutdown
- BZ 1622994 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] IO-Threads is enabled inadvertently by editing unrelated configuration
- BZ 1609147 [REST API] all VMs in VM Pool are returned to a pool user regardless of actual VM ownership
- BZ 1581709 Move the vfio-mdev vGPU hook to a VDSM code base
- BZ 1608828 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] Unable to perform upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 due to selinux related errors.
- BZ 1613875 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] Indicate that RHV-H hosts have to be rebooted always after upgrade
- BZ 1581709 Move the vfio-mdev vGPU hook to a VDSM code base
oVirt Windows Guest Tools
- BZ 1609779 Unquoted Service Paths Windows guest tools
- BZ 1601633 If upgrading fails, the new LV should be removed in the RPM %post script
oVirt Provider OVN
- BZ 1590359 [ovn-provider] wrong message when posting a Subnet with no default gateway
- BZ 1503577 Duplicate OVN network name (with subnet) on different DCs pops unfriendly UI message
- BZ 1608408 Listing ports fails when stray subnet is present in db
oVirt Engine
- BZ 1615124 [RFE] upload image - add sparse flag to ticket
- BZ 1613282 Failed to hot-Unplug disk from VM with Code 46 (Timeout detaching)
- BZ 1610758 When specifying folder of OVAs in import dialog, the task hangs forever
- BZ 1601469 [OVN] - Create external network’s vNIC profile without network filter
- BZ 1613104 The engine is generating domain XML for HE VM also if the cluster compatibility level doesn’t allow it
- BZ 1595140 Exceptions seen with refreshing geo-rep session on the gluster volume
- BZ 1610248 Create new Georep session popup does not open
- BZ 1590109 refresh caps events are not sent on network dhcp attachment or update
- BZ 1607704 [Engine] Cannot modify vNic profile of running vm with MTU set in its XML
- BZ 1584734 A UI exception while creating a new network on external provider
- BZ 1571563 The VM could not be edited from HighPerformance or Server to Desktop in PPC arch (even if the new create of Desktop is allowed)
- BZ 1589790 [UI] - Remove subnet sub tab from edit external network flow
- BZ 1603878 [UI] Cannot copy-paste Network Interface MAC address
- BZ 1619730 increase execution rate of ExtendImageTicket
- BZ 1620178 Auto enable multiple network queues for high Performance VMS
- BZ 1613341 API doesn’t return stored ssh public key for non admin user properly
- BZ 1552098 Rephrase: “command GetStatsAsyncVDS failed: Heartbeat exceeded” error message
- BZ 1570988 Don’t try to remove functions, views or tables in public schema installed by PostgreSQL extensions
- BZ 1608392 Status code from the API for unsupported reduce volume actions (for disk that resides on file based domain for example) is 400 (bad request) instead 409 (conflict)
- BZ 1573184 StreamingAPI - Transfer disk Lock is freed before transfer is complete - after Finalizing phase but before Finished Success
- BZ 1608716 upload image - rounded up size value for the created disk
- BZ 1625150 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] Creating transient disk during backup operation is failing with error “No such file or directory”
- BZ 1579303 External VMs prevent placing host in maintenance mode
- BZ 1600325 Link to change password is broken
- BZ 1591271 Get Internal Server Error while trying to get graphic console, while VM suspending
- BZ 1608265 change GB labels to GiB
- BZ 1607131 UI exception is thrown when trying to create a VM from template with CD-ROM from ISO attached to the template
- BZ 1602339 VM with preallocated/RO disks only can run even if the storage domain that holds the disks is in maintenance
- BZ 1600534 Status code from the API for incompatible disk configuration for disk creation is 400 (bad request) instead of 409 (conflict)
- BZ 1600140 [VDSM] Cannot modify vNic profile of running vm with MTU set in its XML
- BZ 1595636 vdsm-hook-vfio-mdev failed to run VM with Intel GVT-g device.
- BZ 1612904 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] getFileStats fails on NFS domain in case or recursive symbolic link (e.g., using NetApp snapshots)
- BZ 1614657 [downstream clone - 4.2.6] Kdump Status is disabled after successful fencing of host.
- BZ 1613838 “TemporaryFailure: Cannot inquire Lease” during storage pool removal
- BZ 1612958 Ctor parameters not passed correctly to API.ISCSIConnection.init
- BZ 1562369 Hosts show sanlock renewal errors in /var/log/messages
- BZ 1614426 Gluster deployment wizard throws Null Pointer Exception after finished deployment
- BZ 1540936 cockpit accepts (and propose by default) localhost as the host address and this fails for sure since the engine VM will try to deploy itself as the host
- BZ 1597255 The mount point of the additional volume created during gluster deployment is not correct .
- BZ 1552098 Rephrase: “command GetStatsAsyncVDS failed: Heartbeat exceeded” error message
oVirt Engine SDK 4 Python
- BZ 1580268 Add example how to clearing virtual numa nodes of VM via API
oVirt image transfer daemon and proxy
- BZ 1615122 [v2v] fast-zero - support sparse uploads on file storage
- BZ 1619019 [v2v] Broken pipe (Errno 32) occurs during multiple VMs conversion
- BZ 1615144 [v2v] fast-zero - to improve performance
- BZ 1614195 [v2v] Keep more logs with ovirt-imageio-daemon
- BZ 1614202 [v2v] Reduce logging details per upload
- BZ 1592847 [v2v] ovirt-Imageio-daemon Memory growth unreasonable during disk transfer
oVirt Ansible virtual machine infrastructure role
- BZ 1601445 Role fails when vms list is empty
- BZ 1598781 Upgrading RHV-H is bringing back libvirt network file which causes issues in starting of VM
oVirt Engine database query tool
- BZ 1609667 rhv-log-collector-analyzer does not provide any content in html report
No Doc Update
oVirt Engine
- BZ 1608961 tear down ovirt-provider-ovn when an host is removed from ovirt-engine
- BZ 1566112 Exception when trying to run multiple VMs (VMs failed to run)